"Holy shit, how many people are actually coming?", I asked when I saw another long queue at another gate.

"About ten thousand people are said to attend. There are like, three stages and six gates. It's huge.", Katherine informed me.

Each one of us got their VIP passes, before we got let in on the festival grounds.

"We're supposed to meet up with the others on the camping grounds. Section 3 is all us."

After we got in, it didn't take long for us to find our camping section. There were like 10 sections next to The Lake and Conservatory Pond. The festival grounds started from Central Park South and reached the end of the Loeb Boat House.

"My club is over in section two, but you can visit me any time, yeah babe?", Sam asked and I smiled, pecking him. He left with his bag towards his section.

The others joined us an hour later, when we were already half through putting the tents up. We managed to put up all of them thirty minutes later, and that's when the fights about who slept with who started.

Somehow we managed to settle in, and I ended up in a tent with Maddie, Soph, Ashleigh and Amy. Katherine was crashing with Ricky and some of his mates, while Niall was in a tent with his bandmates, Bryan and Ryan. The rest of the frat boys split into groups of five and so did the sorority girls, the soccer team and the cheerleaders.

Around three am we were done with settling in, and our group (not the whole section) decided we should get some lunch and check out the setlist.

"Oh! We're on tonight!", Liam said excitedly, pointing to the setlist everyone was currently huddled around.

"And we're dancing tomorrow night.", Katherine pointed out.

Sam joined us a few minutes later as we stood in line for hotdogs. He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me against his chest as I talked to Amy.

I smiled when he pressed a kiss on the top of my head, then started playing with the hem of my Nirvana shirt.

Amy then turned around to talk to Ryan and I made eye contact with Niall, who had already sat down on a huge blanket set out by our group, together with Liam and Zayn, who were surprisingly close, their arms and legs touching as they sat and ate.

When we finally got our hot dogs we walked towards the blanket where everyone was sat.

I sat down next to Sam and he put his arm around me as we ate.

"You've got something there.", Niall told me and pointed above his lip.

I wiped off the ketchup from my lip (yes I hated mustard with a passion) and thanked him.

"Who are you?", Sam asked in a friendly tone.


"Niall as in Niall?", Sam asked in disbelief, looking at me.

"I guess so?", Niall said shaking his hand, and I couldn't se his expression behind his Ray Bans.

"The Niall from two years ago, right? The one you had that fling with."

I nodded, avoiding his eyes.

"Thanks for preparing my girl mate. Her mouth does amazing things.", Sam said and I blushed while everyone hollered and wolf whistled.

"I know.", Niall muttered and we made a swift eye contact.

I leaned my head on Sam's shoulder as I sucked my fingers clean.

"You're in One Direction, right? Saw a poster at the entrance.", Sam continued and Niall nodded.

"That's cool."

The One That Got Away (Punk Frat Boy Niall)Where stories live. Discover now