"Remind me again why I'm spending the Saturday evening watching you attack my boyfriend with a robotic drone?" 

"Because you love spending time with us. Wanna try?" Cisco asks handing over the controller.

"A chance to attack my boyfriend. Of course. This would be for all the times he finished my Nutella and didn't even bother to replace it." I take the controller and wickedly smirk as I make the drone chase after Barry.

"Remeber, this is just supposed to be a training exercise to improve Barry's speed." Dr. Wells inform us.

"Cisco, you gonna bring it or what?" Barry ask.

"It's Madison now actually," Cisco replies.

"Even better." I look over at Dr. Wells as if asking him for permission.

"Bring it," he says. I hover my thumb over the red button looking over at Cisco. He nods his head and I hit the button letting loose a missile which tracked Barry. It explodes behind Barry, sending him flying into the air and landing ungracefully. Barry struggles to get up but doesn't continue to run. He just faces the drone as it makes its way towards him.

"Why isn't he running away?" Caitlin asked no one in particular. 

"I don't know, but the drone's gonna release the second missile," I inform them. We watch as the drone fires the second mission and I hold my breath to see the mission crash into the drone. Barry grabbed the mission and launched it back at the drone. "Yes!" I cheer.

Barry made his way back and changed into an S.T.A.R Labs sweatshirt and joggers. Caitlin and I ordered a big meal at Big Belly Burger to fill Barry and the rest of the team up and when the delivery guy rolled up in his car about a few feet away from where we originally were, he gave us an odd look. Probably because we ordered about sixty burgers, twenty french fires, fifteen chicken rings and five large cups of soda.

"Very impressive, Mr. Allen." Dr. Wells speaks up as everyone is finishing up eating. "Your reaction to stimuli at super-speed continues to improve.

  "It's still not enough." says Barry crossing his arms over his chest.

"It will be. You keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, and you will be ready the next time your man in the yellow suit comes around," says Dr. Wells.

"I think you mean the Reverse Flash," Cisco smirks. I snicker and shake my head. Everyone else gives Cisco and odd look like he's crazy. I guess I was the only one he told about the nickname. "What? He said it, not me. And he's right. Yellow suit, red lightning, and evil the reverse of Barry."

"Meh," Caitlin says, shrugging her shoulder.

"Actually, I kind of like it." smirks Dr. Wells.

"All right," Barry cuts in. "I'm still ready for another round. How many more drones do you have left?"

"Two. And they've got lasers."  Cisco says with excitement.

"No."  Caitlin, Dr. Wells and I state. Caitlin's right. We don't need a dead Barry.


I was waiting in S.T.A.R Labs for the team to show up. I came here for my lunch break since my boss and Gina were really getting on my last nerves. My boss was constantly on my back and I always do my best, but my work is never good enough for him. Then there's Gina who is constantly asking about me and Barry. I hardly know the girl and she wants to know how he takes his coffee! 

I'm currently on the computers trying to go through face recognition. I kid you not when I say I went to the police station and asked a sketch artist to draw a sketch of the lady in gray hair. I tried my best to describe her, but even the artist admitted my details were a bit too vague so I had to get photo references to help her out. So far I got nothing.

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