"I really like you," Simon smiles.

"I like you too."

Simon tilts his head and kisses Harry's cheek, Harry flushes a deep shade of red, he still couldn't handle someone like Simon. He was just so captivating and awesome that everything he did, either good or bad, drew him in, secretly he craved everything he did. Even if it sucked like shit.

Simon trailed his kisses to Harry's neck.

Harry slightly giggled at the sensitive touch, and Simon chuckles, as he feels the warmth of his breathe on his neck.

"Am I your type?" Simon mumbles barely audible. But Simon can hear.

"I don't know."

"What do you like about me, what do you dislike about me?"

"I like your striking blue eyes, your tall lankiness, I like your hair, and I like your cute little dimple you get when you smile, I like how your popular and cool, I like the fact you are confident and have friends, I like that you still can be sweet."

Simon blushes, as Harry pokes his cheek, pointing out his embarrassment.

"That's the nicest thing someone's ever said to me."

"Really?" Harry asks, looking dead into his eyes, how could he have gone this long and not have anyone in his life be that nice to him.

"Yeah, life isn't the easiest for me you know."

"I'm sorry for that."

"Don't be."

"Tell me what you don't like about me."

"I don't like how you can be rude to some people, I don't like that you hurt people, I hate that you skip classes. I hate that you smoke, and I hate how you are such a mystery, Joe and Zoe knew nothing about you."

"You were talking about me?" Simon asks.

"Yeah." Harry looked away.

"How come?"

"I was telling them about the whole Simon Ashley thing, Ashley has true feelings for you." Harry says.

"I know, she is a bit clingy."

"You had sex with her." Harry frowns.

"It was a distraction, my life is so messed up that I needed to. I know that isn't right."

"I've had sex with her too." Harry admits.

"What?!" Simon basically screams.

"She said she liked me and it happened, I didn't really want it, but I did it anyway, I didn't speak up, I have to tell her soon that I'm gay, but... I can't, and I keep accusing her of liking you instead of me, but in reality I shouldn't care about her liking me."

Harry shakes his head. He was so messed up.


"I'm messed up."

"We have a few things in common then I guess," Simon laughs lightly. He goes back to kissing Harry's neck. He shivers, for two reasons, 1 was the connection, 2 was the cold.

"Let's go inside."

They climb through the window. As Simon closes it behind him, they stand in the room together. Simon looks down at Harry, standing awkwardly near his bed, fiddling with his fingers.

Simon walks over and connects their lips. Harry doesn't break the kiss like he did last time, he let this one continue, as Simon wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. They fall back onto the bed, Simon on top of him.

Simon plays with the fabric of his jumper.

"I don't want to do anything," Harry stutters.

"I wouldn't do that to you, I promise." Simon smiles.

He gets off of Harry and stands up again.

"You don't have to leave you know, I just don't want to go far, I'm not ready and that, I'm not trying to kick..."

"I know, I have to go anyway."

Harry frowns. "How come?"

"I have a few people that are waiting for me, I have a few a things I need to catch up on."

Simon walks out of the room and Harry's listens to every footstep he takes, and listens as he opens up the front door and closes it behind him, he quickly steps out the window and watches as he walks to the end of the street, turning the corner of one of the alleys, and disappearing from sight.

Everything was changing.

And Harry didn't know what was happening.

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