"No you're not." He said laughing.

"Sarcasm, it's sarcasm," I said, "here, let me get my key." I said stopping again and digging through my purse. I dug around and I couldn't find it. I kept digging, looking in every pocket 2 times, feeling around the bottom of my purse.

"You having trouble?" He asked.

"My key. I lost it. It could be anywhere. I'll never find it." I said, facepalming.

"It's okay," he said putting his arm around my shoulders and grabbing my purse out of my hands, "let me check."

He was digging around in my purse, struggling like I did. He pulled something out of my purse, and I thought it was my key, but no, out of my luck he just had to pull out my emergency tampon, "Nope, that's not it." He said, continuing to dig. I felt my cheeks starting to get warm.

Ugh, why am I blushing?

"I dunno. You must be embarrassed." He said with a smirk.

Oh god, I just said that out loud.

"Yeah you did. I find it kinda cute." He said laughing now.

"I give up." I said putting my arms up.

"Me too. Here." He said handing me my purse.

"Told you it wasn't in there." I said hitting him on the arm.

"Do you have someone to call? Do you have a flat mate?" He asked.

"Yes, I do. But she's with her parents right now. She'll be gone for the next week." I informed him.

"Can you go to your mum's? Does she live close?"

"She's an alcoholic. I can't go into the house without getting things thrown at me."

"Well. Okay, this'll be weird and really fast, but I suppose were friends now and you don't seem to be evil or a murderer. So,"


"Um, you can stay at my flat till your friend gets back, if you want?" He asked, unsure of my answer.

"Um, yeah sure." I said all cool, but on the inside, but inside, I just fainted.

"Okay." He said as we finally made a turn and we walked across the street. We didn't talk as much, since it got a little awkward. After a few minuets of walking, we got to a large building. We walked in and Dan lead me to the elevator.

"Watch this." He said with a smile. He clicked the button with the number 8 on it and a speaker above the buttons started talking.

"Going up 8 floors." It said in a monotone voice. Dan started laughing and I was amused by this thing.

"What the hell?" I said. I decided to try it. "Can I?" I asked.

"Yeah, do 6." He said trying to contain his laughter. I leaned over and pressed 6. When the screen above the doors changed to a 6, the speaker said, "Stopping at sex."

We both burst out laughing.

"What the fuck? It just said sex! Is this some kind of joke?" I said through my laughs.

Dan was still laughing and he had to balance himself on the wall. He looked so cute. He noticed me staring and I looked away and turned towards the door.

We got to the 8th floor and Dan got out first, then me. He grabbed my hand and led me to his flat. I was blushing even more now, even though he was holding my hand just showing me where to go.

We got to the door, number 121, and he let my hand go. He inserted a silver key into the door and unlocked it. He grabbed my hand again and my cheeks were hot. I was in love with Dan, I have been for a while. His personality, his face, his humor, his body. He was hot. I've had an internet crush on him since he first started his videos. But he just met me. He doesn't feel the same, he's being nice. He probably doesn't even think I'm pretty. He led me through the flat holding my hand.

"Kitchen, cook books and food," he said pointing, "living room, tv and our xbox and giant game collection, balcony, some chairs, my bedroom and that bed and that sound system, Phil's bedroom, and his bed and that sock, Phil's bathroom, a big bathtub and sink. Sadly, he has more followers than me, so this is my bathroom." He said dragging me around the flat.

He brought me into his bathroom and made me stand on the fluffy carpet next to the shower. He gave me some towels and left. Did he just leave?

He popped his head back in the door, "Don't move." He said pointing at me. After a few minuets he came back with a t-shirt and black sweatpants that were his, I supposed.

"Okay, towels and clothes. You can sleep in Phil's bed tonight because he's gone and I don't know when the hell he is gonna get back. We can play video games or watch tv or something when you're done." He said, smiling after what he said.

"Okay." I said standing there awkwardly. Dan started to close the door.

"Wait!" I said loudly. He opened the door back up. He came back in the bathroom.

"Okay, I just wanted to say thank you. You're really sweet and you're my role model. And for me to meet you was amazing, especially after all the shit that has happened to me. I know you don't know me, but I know you and I just thought this really nice of you." I said. He came closer and looked at me and hugged me.

"You're welcome. And I'm really sorry about all the shit that has happened to you." He said hugging me hard. I hugged him back and I could smell his scent, as my face was right below his shoulder. He smelled amazing. We stopped hugging and he put the clothes back in my hands.

"I'll be on the couch when you're done. Welcome to your new house for a week." He said.

(eheheh. (˚˚)

- abigail)

bad luck // dan howellWhere stories live. Discover now