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Michael and I talk for a while before I ask him if he wants to watch a movie.

"Nah," he says, "I should actually get home. My mom is probably worried."

I nod and follow him to the door, his eyes looked tired and he squinted as he looked at his bright phone. At the door I can't help but notice how beautiful he is, his perfect eyes and fluffy thin hair. I just wanted to shove him against the wa--

I stop my thoughts there and think about how I would want to go about asking him out. New me. I say in my head it's a new me, just ask him out.

"Do you want to go out with me." I blurt out quickly, a blush on my tan cheeks.

Michael looks up at me in surprise, "wha- oh! Yeah. Yes I would love to go out with you."

I smile and my confidence begins to rise, "cool cool, do you want to maybe go tomorrow? You can text me your address?"

Micheal nodes quickly, handing me his phone so I can add my number in it.

"There." I say to him, "uh, just wear something casual."

He nods quickly and leaves the house walking toward his crappy small truck.

Dear Whoever // Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now