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Dear Whoever,

Sleep seems to be the only thing I thoroughly enjoy doing. I love sleep, I love the escape from reality, the way your mind stops completely and you are just asleep.

If I could I would love to be asleep all of the time. Sadly my moronic brother exsist and he forces me to go to school that I dont like and forces me to group therapy like it is going to change the fact that life just isn't for me.

Sadly I can't change my brothers mind, I realize this as I walk into the stupid, actually pretty cool space filled with people I dont really know the names too.

Michael is there though, the cute red head. The cute red head that talked to my ex-best friend. The cute red head who I had never talked to. The cute red head that I cant talk to.

The cute red head that has me on the brink of insanity.

Calum xx

Dear Whoever // Malum ✔️Where stories live. Discover now