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Dear ...

The first day of school was shit and I dont know what to do with myself. I'm trying to remeber the coping stragaties I was tought months ago; however all of it fails me as I go back to the same procedure as always. I want to stop, I want to stop so bad but it's nearly impossible and I dont know what to do.

People at the school teased me for literally wearing a fucking purple sweater. They said it was gay and called me a faggot. I never got the point in bullying someone for who they are and what they wear and who they love and I am going to ask my mom of there is another, smaller school around that won't be as stressful.

I did however meet one person today at some shop in town, I think he works there. He is only two years older than I and he has beautiful hazel eyes. We talked alot and he told me he has a boyfriend and he was so happy when he talked about his boyfriend, Luke, and I couldn't help but envey their relationship. I wanted someone that would talk about me with love in their eyes and I wanted to be loved.

I an unworthy of love, in unworthy of special treatments and cuddles and kisses. God I am so unworthy and I am drowning in my own sadness and this hole entry has turned into a mess and I'm sorry.

Micheal >-.-<

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