Chapter 26

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Dawnpaw sat, shock coursing through every hair on her pelt. Finally when she could speak she asked, "That is why you killed the kits, because of our father" shepherd said slowly. Amberleaf nodded.
"Why would Applenose steal us" Hazelpaw asked hesitantly. She saw Amberleaf stiffen and a horrible thought dawned on her.
"He was our father wasn't he" she asked. Amberleaf didn't say anything but she saw it in her eyes and after a few heartbeats Amberleaf gave a tiny nod. She felt her mind whirling as she tried to process this information. She was half-clan and Amberleaf had murdered her own mate. Ivypaw was her cousin and the kits that Amberleaf had killed had been her younger cousins. Suddenly white hot rage erupted in her and she stood up, her tail lashing.
"You murderer" she spat. She whipped around and raced away her shoulders trembling as tears ran down her cheeks. She finally stopped and curled up under some ferns. She closed her eyes desperately wanting to go to sleep and forget everything that had just happened. After countless heartbeats she heard pawsteps coming toward her. She peered out warily, hoping it wasn't' Amberleaf and was relieved when she saw it was just Hazelpaw. Hazelpaw slipped under the fade she with her and looked up at her with eyes glistening with tears.
"Why would she do this" Hazelpaw whispered so softly she almost couldn't hear.
"I don't know" she replied. Did I ever really know my mom she wondered. As she thought about it she remembered the stories Amberleaf would always tell. How he had stolen her and her sister so they could have more warriors, how Stonepelt had died in a storm while trying to save her from getting crushed by a tree. Her whole life had been a lie, who her father was, who her cousins and aunts and uncles were. She realized Fernwhisker was actually her aunt. Finally she couldn't take it anymore and stood up.
"Do you want to come hunting" she asked Hazelpaw. Hazelpaw nodded and stood up, looking releived to take her mind off what had just happened.
"We could go to The Pond" Hazelpaw suggested. She nodded and walked with Hazelpaw. When they arrived she saw a lizard by The Pond. She raised her tail to tell Hazelpaw to stop and Hazelpaw did, peering around her to look hungrily at the lizard. Dawnpaw crounched down and  signaled to Hazelpaw to go around and try to catch it. Hazelpaw stalked forward and leaped but her she had stepped on a leaf and alerted the lizard. She lashed out as the lizard barreled straight at her. The lizard fell limp to the ground and she licked her lips but decided not to eat the lizard.
"That was great" Hazelpaw said enthusiasticly as she bounded over. She nodded and try continued hunting. When they were done and they arrived back at camp she deposited her prey at the prey pile. She looked up and saw Windpaw coming over. "Where were both of you last night, I never found you" Windpaw said. Windpaw looked hurt but seemed to be trying to hide it.
"Um-" she was about to explain she had run out of camp but how was she supposed to do that without explaining what had happened.
"You just dissed eared on me and never came back to explain" Windpaw continued.
"I had to go to the dirtplace" she lied again.
Windpaw looked at her incredulously. "Then why didn't you try to find me after that or come to me earlier today" she demanded.
"I-I" she started to say but Windpaw just shook her head and stormed off. Dawnpaw looked felt guilt rush through her and saw Hazelpaw looked just as miserable as she felt. She grabbed some prey and decided to go over to Foxpaw. She had her head tucked down sullenly and was chewing half-heartedly at a mouse. She settled down next to Foxpaw and Hazelpaw settled down on Foxpaws opposite side.
"Hi" Foxpaw greeted. She and Hazelpaw returned the greeting and all of them sat in silence for a few heartbeats before Foxpaw spoke, "
"I wish Robinpaw could come back" she said wistfully.
"Me too" Hazelpaw agreed sadly. Dawnpaw turned her attention away for a heartbeat and saw Windpaw glaring at them. Foxpaw began speaking and she returned her attention to Foxpaw and Hazelpaw.
"We should get revenge on Springclan they attacked and killed one of our cats" Foxpaw stated.
"I am sure Marshstar knows what she's doing sand if we attacked again more of our warriors would just get injured" she responded. Foxpaw opened her mouth to argue but then closed it.
"How was your training" she asked, trying to change the subject and cheer Foxpaw up. Foxpaw brightened and began speaking,
"It was great I caught two lizard and two frogs" Foxpaw boasted.
"Congratulations" she said. They talked for the rest of the night and Dawnpaw went to the apprentices den and curled up in her nest, exhaustion pulling her into sleep.
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