Chapter 5

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Dawnpaw emerged into the camp with Badgerclaw behind her. She and Badgerclaw had just come back from hunting training. Take some prey before we leave he ordered. Ok she mewed. She padded over to the prey pile and took a shrew from the pile. As she started to eat Hazelpaw entered the camp with her mentor. Hazelpaw padded over to the prey pile and took a mouse. How was your training Hazelpaw asked. It was good what about yours she replied. It was really fun I almost caught a frog she mewed. Nice she replied. She glanced up startled as Amberleaf walked over to them and started talking. Come on we are going to be leaving soon Amberleaf told them. Ok she mewed, quickly gulping down the rest of her swamp sparrow. She padded over to the throng of cats that had gathered. She saw Marshstar hurry over and let out a yowl, signaling the cats leave. She followed the cats as they began streaming out of the camp. They raced forward and walked across a stream. When they reached Springclans territory everybody slowed down and Dawnpaw slowed down too. Before long they reached the gathering place. Dawnpaw gasped as she saw the huge throng of cats from Springclan and  Blackclan. Dawnpaw come on Hazelpaw called. Dawnpaw followed her sister to a cluster of Blackclan and Springclan apprentices. When they reached the cats a dark brown she-cat swung around, glaring at them. Who are you she asked. Dawnpaws fur started to bristle but she forced it to lay flat. I am Dawnpaw and this is Hazelpaw and we are new apprentices she mewed. "Oh I have been training for a couple moons and my name is Poppypaw"she said haughtily. She saw Hazelpaw open her mouth to let out a retort but was stopped by another cat. Poppypaw stop being so mean a cat snapped. What? Your really going to side with these two Ivypaw she taunted. Ivypaw let out a exasperated snort and stalked off muttering for them to follow her. She followed Ivypaw away from Poppypaw. Sorry about her she's usually like that and also my name is Ivypaw. Nice my name is Dawnpaw and this is my sister Hazelpaw she meowed. Ivypaw nodded. Who are the leaders Dawnpaw asked. The black tom is Sootstar, Blackclans leader and the one right next to him is Greenstar Springclans leader and- that's Marshstar Hazelpaw interrupted. Hazelpaw looked down shuffling her paws in embarrassment. Your part of Swampclan she asked. Yes Hazelpaw mewed. And me she chimed in. Ivypaw nodded and was about to say something when there was a yowl. Ivypaw raced away with a quick goodbye. Dawnpaw and Hazelpaw settled next to her mother and mentor. She looked up and saw Marshstar step forward. Me and my clan have been doing good and have two new apprentices Marshstar that are Dawnpaw and Hazelpaw she annouced. Butterflies swirled  in her stomach as the cats politely cheered for her. Greenstar stepped forward next and declared that his clan was doing good. Sootstar took his place. Me and my clan have been doing good and we my warriors have chased off a fox and it might have gone into your territory Marshstar. Thank you for the warning Marshstar replied. Sootstar waved his tail and padded away to gather his clan the other leaders. Dawnpaw padded away and followed her sister and mother.

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