Chapter 15

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Badgerclaw jerked his head towards her and his eyes widened when he realized what she was talking about. "We have to get down" he whispered. Dawnpaw nodded and followed his lead, scarcely breathing as she realized the danger they were in and the danger the whole clan was in. Badgerclaw scurried down the tree and she tried to follow his lead, digging her claws in the bark and putting down each paw carefully.
"Dawnpaw we have to hurry" Badgerclaw whispered urgently. She nodded and tried to move faster. "Just a little more you can do it" Badgerclaw encouraged her.
"Okay" She mewed. When she finally made it down she breathed a mental sigh of relief.
"Follow me" Badgerclaw ordered, sprinting away. Dawnpaw followed him the wind streaming through her fur. She had been running for some heartbeats when suddenly she felt her paws trip on a root and she landed on the ground with a thunk, pain shooting through her paw. Oh no she thought, she heaved herself up with Badgerclaws encouragement and started running again, ignoring the twinges of pain in her paw. They crashed through the entrance, her heart racing."Go get the warriors" Badgerclaw ordered. She nodded and dashed into the warriors den.
"Wake up Springclan is attacking" she said frantically. Mudwhisker heaved himself up looking dazed, his pelt ruffled. What's going on" he mumbled.
"Springclan is attacking" she repeated with a twinge of annoyance. She looked around and saw that most of the other warriors had woken up looking alert and ready while some still looked confused. She saw Amberleaf in the crowd and started to go over to her but suddenly a screech split the air. She dashed out of the den and saw Springclan cats flooding into the camp. She saw a warrior leap on Badgerclaw who was standing outside the leaders den. She moved forward to help but suddenly a cat slammed into her. She twisted around when they landed trying to scratch the cats pelt but the car lashed out taking its claws across her cheek. She let out a screech of pain and tried to wiggle out from the cats grasp but suddenly the cats weight lifted off of her. She looked up and saw Adderpaw  standing there, the cat let out a snarl and lashed out at her but Adderpaw just managed to duck and slashed at the cats pelt. The cat whirled around me lifted its paw preparing to strike but Dawnpaw lunged digging her claws into the cats back. The cat screeched in pain and threw her off, casting one last look of hatred at them before fleeing.
"Nice job" Adderpaw praised her.
"Thank you"she meowed gratefully.
Adderpaw nodded and raced off, Dawnpaw looked around spotting Frogleap struggling against a opponent twice her size. Frogleap moved to scratch at the cats flank but he brought down his paw hard on her head taking his claws down. Frogleap let out a screech of agony, blood pouring down her face. The opponent used the opportunity as a chance to bring her down starting to take his claws down her belly. Dawnpaw let out a screech of fury, barreling forward and knocking the cat off Frogleap. Dawnpaw tried to scratch the cats belly but the cat threw her off. She scrambled back up Frogleap standing next to her. The cat started backing away seeming nervous about taking on two opponents. Dawnpaw poised to leap still steaming with anger but a twinge of pity stopped her and the cat raced off. "Why didn't you go" Frogleap asked looking bewildered.
"He was finished" she stated simply.
Frogleap nodded and they stood in silence for a heartbeat. Frogleap opened her mouth to say something when suddenly a cat bowled into her. She crounched down to leap to Frogleaps defense when suddenly a cat leaped onto her knocking her breath away. She let out gasping xcoughs as she struggled out but the cat leaped on her again pinning her down. She let out a screech of pain as the cat started scratching her stomach. She managed to lunge and but down hard on the cats paw but the cat still held her down and she gulped as she realized she wasn't' getting out of this. "Petty Swampclan apprentice" the cat mocked. Suddenly she saw a flicker of movement in the corner of her eye and felt relief wash through. "Are you sure" she questoned slyly. The cat gave her a baffled glance before Windpaw slammed into him. Dawnpaw scrambled up and lunged at the digging her claws into his flank. She saw Hazelpaw was there too and leaped  but missed as the tom let out a screech of pain and fled, casting her a glare. Thanks you saved my life there she mewed gratefully.
"It's what clan mates are for" Windpaw replied.
"And friends" she added. Windpaw nodded  and Hazelpaw also nodded happiness glowing in her eyes.
Are you okay" Hazelpaw asked, turning her attention to her with concern. Hazelpaw looked like she was about to ask something else but a snarl intrrupted her. She looked and saw Amberleaf facing a cream tom. She was glaring at the tom with such ferocity she was surprised he didn't shrink back. She exchanged a glance with Hazelpaw noticing Windpaw had gone off to help Leopardclaw but she had to help Amberleaf, she made sure Hazelpaw was following and crept forward aiming to leap on the tom but what Amberleaf said stopped her.
"You killed him" she said, her voice so soft she barely heard it but it was filled with rage. Confusion clouded her as the tom responded
"It was a accident" he mewed. Suddenly she remembered when Amberleaf had told them about their father getting killed. Her breath hitched as the possibility came her. Could this possibly be the tom she thought. She was snapped back to reality when Amberleaf suddenly lunged at the tom. She stood there frozen unsure what to do. Suddenly she felt a nudge and saw Hazelpaw looking at her.
"Aren't we going to help" she asked softly. She nodded and was about to leap in the fray when a yowl split the air and the Springclan cats began to draw back. She saw the tom back away from Amberleaf and follow the rest of his clan mates and for some reason casting a mournful glance at Amberleaf. Amberleaf swords echoed in her head, "you killed him".
Amberleaf padded over to them looking concerned.
"Are you both okay" she meowed. Dawnpaw suddenly felt the pain from her wounds start to rush back and she craned her neck a scratch ran across her pelt and she felt the spot on hr cheek where the tom had scratched it. "You should both go see Mapleleaf" Amberleaf told them.
"You should too" she mewed, Amberleaf had a nasty scratch above her eye as well as scratches on her pelt. Amberleaf hesitated but after a little more persistence Amberleaf agreed to at least come with them. She looked around and spotted Amberleaf treating Mistcoud who had deep scratches on her belly as well as on her pelt. She winced and decided to wait for Mapleleaf to treat her Amberleaf and Hazepaw agreed with her and as she gazed around the camp she saw few cats had very serious injuries. When Mapleleaf was done she looked at Amberleaf ,
"Should we go see if she can treat us" she asked
"Lets wait until she's done treating the cats with the worst injuries" she replied. Dawnpaw waited and as they waited Amberleaf came forward licking them to try to stop any bleeding. She shifted, a little annoyed with the licking but let her do it anyways. She saw Marshstar and Beechleaf bustling around camp, neither of them were very injured which was good. When Mapleleaf finally arrived she said a quick greeting started working. She watched as she pasted cobwebs an Hazelpaws wounds also applying some other herbs. When it was her turn Mapleleaf paddd over and out some cobwebs on her. Mapleleaf put some cobwebs on hr and then took out a different herb.
"What's that" she asked curiously.
"Marigold it may sting a little" she warned her.
Dawnpaw nodded and flinched a little as the wound stung but it soon stopped. "All of you should get some sleep it has been a long night for both of you" Mapleaf meowed. She nodded and as she realized the exhaustion that lay over her. She said a quick goodnight to Amberleaf and paddd into the den with Hazelpaw, curling up in her nest and falling asleep.
Hi guys here is a new chapter for you and I hope you like it you can vote or comment or if you want both and I will try to get another chapter out but I can't promise anything so bye and I hope you like this chapter

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