Chapter 14

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Picture- Badgerclaw

Amber eyes

Dawnpaw followed Badgerclaw out of camp as they headed towards the training grounds for battle training. She looked around and saw birds trilling in the trees and shivered as a icy breeze swept past. It seemed like several heartbeats before they reached it and when they did Badgerclaw turned towards her. "Stand over there" he meowed, gesturing to the other side of the clearing. Dawnpaw nodded and stood there, waiting. She opened her mouth to ask when they were going to do something when Badgerclaw leaped at her, bowling her over. She tried to wiggle out but Badgerclaw had pinned her down. "Okay you got me you can get off now" she meowed. As soon as Badgerclaw got off her she jumped up.

"Try harder next time" Badgerclaw mewed.

"That was completely unexpected though" she protested.

Badgerclaw gave her a stern stare and she looked down. "Sorry"she apologized.

"You need to always be aware a attack could come at any time" Badgerclaw told her.

She nodded and Badgerclaw began speaking again "now let's try again be ready though this time" he ordered. She nodded and when Badgerclaw leaped at her she dodged to one side and swiped at his flank, keeping her claws sheathed. Badgerclaw spun around and lifted a paw ready to swipe at her. She ran around swiftly and leaped on top of him, trying to unbalance him. Suddenly he started to fall back and she let out a panicked squeak as she tried to jump off but she was to slow and he fell on top of her. Badgerclaw got up almost immediately. "That was better but here let me show you a move that could work well in a battle" Badgerclaw mewed. She nodded and Badgerclaw lunged forward batting her leg and unbalancing her before pinning her down.

"That was cool" she commented when she got up.

"Now try it on me" Badgerclaw instructed. Dawnpaw stood for a heartbeat working out her move before lunging forward and striking Badgerclaws leg and unbalancing him and pinning him down. "That was very good" Badgerclaw praised her.

"Thank you" she said gratefully.

Badgerclaw nodded in acknowledgement and they trained for a while longer before returning to camp.


When she entered the camp she saw most of the cats were sheltered in places from the cold breeze. When she took a lizard she spotted Hazelpaw laying next to the apprentice den. She bounded over and settled down next to her. Hi she meowed cheerfully. Hazelpaw returned her greeting. "Did you do anything exciting in training today" Hazelpaw asked curiously.

"I learned a new move in battle training" She said excitedly.

"That's nice do you want to try it on me I bet I could dodge it" she said compentibaly.

"Your on" she meowed with amusement.

As they faced each other Dawnpaw quickly calculated her move and jumped forward. Hazelpaw tried to dodge but she struck her leg, unbalancing and sending her tumbling down. "Got you" she crowed.

"Are you sure"Hazelpaw challenged before leaping up and throwing her off, pinning her to the ground.

"No fair" she protested.

"It was totally fair don't be a sore loser" she argued.

"What is happening here" a cat meowed.

She spun around and realized it was Windpaw

"you scared me" she meowed.

Hazelpaw jumped in explaining what had happened and Windpaw let out a mrrow of amusement. Windpaw seemed to have a glimmer of sadness in her eyes and maybe it was because her siblings had never really liked her. Windpaw's foster mother had gotten killed when Windpaw went exploring as a kit and Brightpaw and Adderpaw had never really got over it. They talked for a little bit more before Badgerclaw came over.

"Yes?"she asked.

"Marshstar says me and you have todo the elm watch tonight Badgerclaw explained.

"Oh ok she meowed, getting up and saying a quick goodbye to Hazelpaw and Windpaw. Hey left the camp and Dawnpaw looked out around, stars were starting to glimmer in the sky and as she walked more she realized the forest felt strangely peaceful at night. "What's it like doing the elm watch" she asked.

"Wells it's usually not that exciting you just watch but tonight be more watchful for Springclan because of what happened with the kits" he explained. Dawnpaw nodded and felt a chill start to grip her at the mention of Springclan. "Do you really think they will come" she mewed. Badgerclaw tilted his head in thought. "It is likely but don't worry to much it's not definite they will" he reassured her.

"Okay"she mewed. When they finally reached the elm watch Badgerclaw climbed up showing her how to do it before leaping on a branch. She looked up nervously at Badgerclaw who was perched on a branch.

"You can do this Dawnpaw" he called encouragingly.

"Okay" she yelled up.

She took a deep breath and leaped up, digging her claws into the wood and hauling herself up.

She let out a gasp as one of her paws slipped. She managed to grab on again and Badgerclaw gripped her scruff, hauling her the rest of the way up. She payed on the ground and panted for a few heartbeats, tired but then she got back up and followed Badgerclaw over to the branch they would watch from.

"Thanks for helping me she mewed.

Badgerclaw nodded and acknowledgement before saying

"We need to be quiet so we can hear intruders" he told her. She nodded and stayed silent scanning the terrain. It seemed like several heartbeats had passed and she let out a yawn, starting to nod off. Badgerclaw nudged her and he nodded blushing with embarrassment. As she gazed around again she thought she heard noise in the distance and pricked her ears instantly on alert. She saw a pelt flash in the distant and she felt a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach when she smelled the scent.

"Springclan" she breathed.

I hoped you liked this chapter and if you want plz comment or vote and happy thanksgiving also I am still going to go back and edit chapters but I thought I would get new chapter out so again happy thanksgiving and I hoped you liked this chapter

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