Chapter 2

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As Dawnpaw got up cats came over and congratulated them. When most of the crowd had left Birdsong and Badgerclaw padded toward them. What are we going to do now she asked? Well me and Birdsong are going to show you the territory Badgerclaw replied. Great, is Hazelpaw coming with she said enthusiastically. Yes Badgerclaw said. Relief coursed through her and she saw Hazelpaw start running towards the entrance hey Hazelpaw wait up Birdsong yowled. Hazepaw skidded to stop. Sorry she mewed sheepishly, looking at her paws in embarrassment. It's fine every apprentice is excited on their first day I remember I could hardly wait to get out of here Bridsong assured her. Dawnpaw followed the rest of the cats out of the camp Hazelpaw bounding out and looking around in awe. It's amazing she breathed. She looked around a marshy expanse spread before her with ferns and puddles and crevices along with a few trees. As she looked around she was jerked back to the present by Birdsongs voice. Come on Dawnpaw and Hazelpaw you will get to see plenty of the territory Birdsong meowed. Where should we take them first Birdsong asked politely, turning to Badgerclaw. How about the training  clearing Badgerclaw suggested. Birdsong nodded and led them to the training clearing. When they got there she looked with interest, it was a small clearing dotted with ferns and as she reached out the ground felt squishy and soft under her paw. What's it for she meowed curiously. It is mostly used for battle training but we can also practice hunting here Birdsong answered. When do we get to practice she asked eagerly, Turning to Badgerclaw. Maybe tommorow Badgerclaw answered. Oh okay she mewed, a bit disappointed but she perked up as Birdsong mewed, should we take them to the pond next? Badgerclaw nodded. What does the pond look like she asked enthusiastically. Well there's a pond and a rock ledge up with a little cave in it and also a place with some catmint including some others herbs Badgerclaw described. She nodded and walked for what seemed like several heartbeats. When they finally reached it  she looked around. A rock ledge was there and she was about to look around more when Hazelpaw let out a cry and raced forward scrambling onto the rock ledge. I am leader Hazelstar of Pebbleclan she declared. She let out a meow of amusement and leaped onto the ledge, I am Dawnstar of Waterclan she cried. Hazelpaw opened her mouth to say something back but a yowl interrupted her. Both of you get back down here right now Badgerclaw yowled. She scrambled back down Hazelpaw following her. Don't go up you could have fallen Badgerclaw said sternly. Sorry she and Hazelpaw mewed. It's okay just don't do it again Badgerclaw said. As they started walking Birdsong and Badgerclaw talked when they were done Badgerclaw turned around, Our last location we are going to show you is the elm watch he announced. What do you think that is she asked Hazelpaw after Badgerclaw turned. I don't know I guess we will find out she mewed.

When they arrived at the elm tree she looked around curiously. She opened her mouth to say something when a rank smell entered he nose. What's that she asked, wrinkling her nose. Oh that's Mistclan, we are at their border Birdsong explained. Why are they called Mistclan Hazelpaw wondered. Well I've heard is that they are a very mysterious clan and they mostly come out at night Birdsong replied. Suddenly there was a thump and she jumped up, her fur bristling. As she looked  she saw a ginger and white she-cat and realized it was only Sedgebush. Calm down it is only Sedgebush Hazelpaw assured her. Oh she meowed, licking her chest fur in embarrassment. It's okay I did come unannounced Sedgebush meowed with a mrrow of amusement. What are you doing here anyway she ventured. It's my turn for guard duty it's also my first time she explained, lifting her head proudly. Congratulations she said remembering Sedgebush had only been made a warrior a couple of days ago . She opened her mouth to say something else but Badgerclaw interrupted her. We should get going back Badgerclaw interjected. She looked up and realized the sun was setting and red was beginning to stain the sky. Of course Sedgebush agreed. She leaped back on the tree . Dawnpaw let out a disappointed sigh as she padded back to camp.

Hi so I redid this chapter and I will explain in the author note but since this isn't in this chapter the elm tree is where cats watch for intruders from both borders (there is also a tree where cats watch near Springclans border) so I would like if you guys would comment and give me feedback and also if you want you can vote for this chapter too

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