chapter twenty six

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   Were we ever right. Lottie and Gemma we pissed off, but they were worried sick. It took way too long to convince them we didn't need to go to the hospital, and even longer to convince them to let us go home.

  I went through the conversation in my head again on the way home..

  The moment we had knocked and been invited inside, Gemma and Lottie came at us, "What happened to you two!?" They had asked us countless times. We waited until they relaxed a little before we told them anything.

  Then again, it was only going to get worse once we mentioned fight. I guess they had every right to be worried. Just Louis himself was supporting a black eye, too many cuts, scraps and bruises to even count, and I really think he sprained his ankle or something.

  Me? Well I had a very swollen cheek, but thankfully no black eye, my ribs were throbbing extremely painfully after those guys had kicked and punched me there countless times. I had cuts and scraps too, but I knew Louis had it worse than me, even though Gemma and Lottie both said I couldn't even walk without wincing.

  Louis was like a worried parent, he would hardly let me go to the bathroom without watching me. I should be worried about him more than he worried about me, and a part of me knew I was. 

  "Babe, I'm fine, really." I said, wincing, as I sat back down next to him on Lottie's couch. He just narrowed his eyes and sighed. 

  He placed his hand down on his lap, and I took the cloth from him, wiping the dried blood from his jawline. He winced a tad, and I pulled back, he rolled his eyes.

  "You're not the only one allowed to worry." He chuckled, and I started back at his cuts. Lottie and Gemma had disappeared in the hopes of finding a first aid kit. 

  "You shouldn't have came back for me." I whispered, looking at his jaw instead of his eyes, I could almost feel him roll his eyes. 

  "If I didn't, I wouldn't be a very good boyfriend, would I?" I laughed, "Of course you would, love. Now there's enough worry in the room for the both of us." 

  "I couldn't let them hurt you." He whispered, and I let myself look him in the eyes, knowing I'd get lost in them. 

  I smiled, ignoring the pulling of a tiny, but evil cut on my lip, "They did anyway." I winked and he rolled his eyes, mirroring my smile.

  "God, I love you." I whispered, he smiled wider, showing his pural whites, "Shut up." He said, and leaned in towards me. I waited until he was close enough, then pulled just an inch away, a pout on my face.

  "You don't love me back?" I teased, he groaned, "Deny my kiss, why don't you?" I laughed, and literally couldn't control it, I leaned in and placed my lips on his. 

  It feels like so long since I've last kissed him, since I've last felt his warm lips on mine. I had no idea how much I've missed them, almost too much.

  "Come on guys!" I heard Lottie's voice in the background, and I laughed, only pulling back enough to glare at her. 

  "Thanks Lottie." I said, she winked and giggled, "Later." He breathed. I sighed, playfully glaring at Lottie. 

  They had actually found a first aid kit, and Gemma rushed over to me to clean my wounds, "You hurt me a lot, women!" I said as she dabbed at the scraps on my face. She rolled her eyes, "Hold still!" 

  I grabbed her around the waist and twisted so she was on the couch, then I sat on her, "You know, I think I'm good." I said, putting my hands behind my head. Louis and Lottie laughed, and Gemma hit me, very weakly, in the back.

laugh often // larry stylinson {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now