chapter twenty three

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Three torturous hours later, I exited the large gym, and stuffed my hands in my pockets. I was very nervous about the final grade, but it hasn't sunk in yet, considering I had 3 more exams to endure for the next week and a half.

  Louis had already gotten out of classes, the grade 12s still had regular routines to do, and he was outside in the field, exactly where we had planned on meeting after leaving Foam. 

  "Sorry, if I had known it was gonna be this chilly out, I would have suggested somewhere else." I said as I got closer to Louis, he ran forward and smashed into the ball, kicking it perfectly, it slashed into the net. 

  "Nice shot." I complimented, and he met me halfway across the field, "Thanks. How do you think you did?" He asked as we turned to head back to the parking lot.

  I shrugged, "Would've been worse if you hadn't helped me."

  "Nah, you got Gemma." He winked and I shoved him playfully with my shoulder. He just laughed at me. 

  "I mean it, thanks." I said, and he looked up at me as we walked, "My pleasure." 

  I smirked, but didn't say anything. What I wanted to say probably wasn't appropriate until we were off school premises. 

  He didn't seem to have noticed, for which I was hardly grateful. 

  The highway seemed so short when you didn't care about its length. Like it stretched forever when you weren't dreading your destination, but when you could care so much less as to where you going, and you could drive forever, because of the person you're with. Time seems to slip right through your fingers. 

 I pulled into Lottie's driveway and together, Louis and I headed up the porch stairs, but the door opened before we could knock.

  "Harry, did you rehearse? Do you know what you're gonna do?" Gemma asked breathlessly as Louis and I huddled in the front foyer. 

  "What are you talking about?" I asked, taking off my coat.

  "The contest! This weekend! Harry, don't tell me you forgot!" I gasped, and paused placing my coat on the hook. 

  "You did forget!" She huffed, throwing her hands into the air. I groaned. 

  "That's the day after tomorrow, Gem. There's no way I can be ready by then." 

  "What contest?" Louis' tiny voice sounded from all of Gemma's chatter, and Gemma crossed her arms, "You never told him?"

   I smiled, and glanced down at the ground, Louis shoved my arm, "Harry!" He groaned.

  "You're practicing right now. Lottie's out, man I wish she could hear, but I'm sure she has a guitar somewhere.." I stuttered for words to decline, but Gemma was already rushing away.

  "Eh em.." Louis cleared his throat, I walked into him and wrapped my arms around his waist, he playfully walked away from my grasp and into the living area.

  "Lou..!" I hurried after him, "I forgot, babe. I really did, I swear. I would have told you, but everything else got in the way, you know I would have told you." 

  "Babe.." He repeated, then he smiled, like he liked the sound of it. I rolled my eyes and pulled him down on the couch, "Even I forgot. Heaven knows how Gem remembered.." I said, then shrugged.

  "I know, I'm just teasing. But I still wanna hear you.." He said, smiling. I sighed, then nodded. Gemma came back into the room now, a guitar in hand. 

  I was honestly hoping she'd find one. 

  "Come on, come on. You should sing.." She placed the guitar in my hands, then I raised my free hand up to shush her, "I've already got something in mind." 

laugh often // larry stylinson {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now