chapter seventeen

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"I was actually thinking of using it as a birthday gift." I explained to Lottie as she asked when I was bringing Louis around.

  She nodded, "Seems right, but it's so long.." She looked at her hands, I frowned, "It can be sooner if you'd like. I just need to somehow ask him about how he would like to see you again. I don't want to make him uncomfortable." 

  "You're quite right, he's always been the sassy type." She chuckled and reached for the popcorn bowl, grabbing some and stuffing it into her mouth. I rolled my eyes, she swallowed and stuck her tongue out at me.

  Gemma yawned, "It's quite late, maybe time for me to say hello to my pillow." 

  "Not yet, you still didn't tell me what happened when you arrived." I pointed at Gemma accusingly. She nodded, "Yeah, but Lottie was there, too."

  Lottie chuckled at Gemma's appearance, having curled up into a ball under her blanket, tucking her face into the pillow.

  "That's okay, I'm happy to explain. After you had left, it was an agonizing twenty minute wait until Gemma showed up, Carl's coffee was cold by then, and I was getting a little chilly sitting by the windows.

   "But finally I saw a car pull up, and a brunette woman and child got out of the car, Gemma looked a little nervous, but Anne was smirking the night away. I didn't think, no matter what, she wouldn't let her come." Lottie paused, remembering.

  "After they had came to the door, I embraced Gemma and we greeted each other like great friends would. Anne's smirk died a little bit after that. Gemma was welcomed into my home, with Anne on her heels. That's when Carl came around the corner, thank God, baring coffee. He smiled at her and shook her hand.

  "Anne asked him what the plan was, why she should let her daughter stay here, she was all about trust, that woman was, my heart was beating thousands of miles and hour, I was so scared, Carl just chuckled warmly, and explained that we were teenage girls, he expected us to gossip about boys and stay up all night eating junk food.

  "I remember Anne looked a little suspicious, but all in all, she let her come, it was fairly nerve racking." Lottie shrugged to herself and looked at Gemma just as she spoke up, "But she wants me home by nine sharp, as she had mentioned, and that's obviously not happening, but she knows where I am, she can easily come and scoop me up."

  I nodded, "You're right, she does know.. We're gonna have to figure that out, too."

  Lottie yawned, and Gemma mirrored her, "I think we'll have time for that tomorrow." I rolled my eyes, "Hardly." 

  Gemma chuckled, Lottie curled up under the covers, and soon after I followed. I was sleeping in minutes.

  To only be awaken, what felt like two minutes, was really a few hours, by my cell vibrating against my cheek. I had rolled over on top it it as I slept, I groaned as I squinted my eyes at the phone, it was a call from Louis. 

  Confusing overwhelmed me, I raised my eyebrows as I checked the time, three in the morning. This had better be good. 

  "Hello? Louis?" I whispered into the phone, not wanting to wake Gemma and Lottie up. There was no answer, but as I was about to speak again, a noise came into the speaker.

  "Shut up and get up." I recognized it as Madame Marie. I held my breathe as I listened, did Louis mean to call me?

  "Why do I have to get up?" He said, groggily, beeps sounded on the phone. He was probably sitting on it, and didn't even mean to call me, but something was going on..

  "Because we're leaving. Moving. Too many people here and not enough room for more, so let's go, chop chop!" 

  "Wait," I heard her sigh and Louis hesitated, "Where are we moving?"

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