chapter twelve

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Louis told me where to turn, when to turn. I didn't know this part of town, so my mind went blank the minute we had left the park. 

 "Where are we going, Lou?" I asked every now and then, usually he ignored me, or smirked. Eventually I stopped asking, but I was still eager. 

  As I turned a left, I thought about where we were. Where did we sit? Are we friends? We've kissed, more than once. Friends don't kiss. 

  My stomach shivered and butterflies shot through me thinking about his lips on mine. My mind wandered again to the way his lips felt, the softness and warmth of them as they gently swayed with mine, then the cold, but softness of them as they roughly scraped with mine.

 "Harry? Hello? You missed a turn!" Louis' hand was moving in front of my face, and I came back to reality. I sighed, "Sorry, Louis. Blanked out for a minute there.." I made a U-turn and headed backwards. He pointed out the turn again then stared at me.

  "Thinking about the destination, huh?" He said, I laughed, "Yeah, just wondering where we're going." I lied, then smiled.

  He sat up then, "Well it won't be long now. Stop right here." He pointed to a side road, where the road cut off, and went into paths in the woods. Now I was really curious. 

  "So it's warm where we're heading?" I asked quietly, and he chuckled, "Trust me, Styles!"  

  I wanted to tell him how much I did. But I bit my lip instead.

  He held my arm back as I made to get out of the car, "Not yet.." He whispered, then pulled his beanie off, shaking out his hair, then placed it over my eyes, tying it to my head.

  "Really?" I asked, laughing, I heard a faint chuckle, "Of course. I'm a kid inside, remember?" 

  He got out of the car then, and I did the same, feeling around the air, "Lou, you kinda gotta lead me there!" I heard him rush around the car, "Oh yeah!" 

  As much as I wanted to, but couldn't, I mentally rolled my eyes. 

  I heard our feet crunching as we walked along the silent forest. The wind was getting chilly, almost like it was going to snow. It hugged our faces as we walked on.

  "Are we almost there?" I whined playfully, I could almost hear Louis' eye roll.

  "Are you sure I'm the child here?" He laughed, then stopped. "We're here. You can take off your blindfold." 

  "You mean your beanie." I correct, smirking, I felt the lightest of smacks on my arm, and hid my smile. The air around us was really warmer, it was like it was spring, there was no wind, and no chill. 

  I took off his beanie and handed it back to him, he placed it back on his head, smiling at me. I looked around at the area we were standing in. We were still in the forest, although it hardly felt anything like it, as there was no wind, but I could hear it far into the distance. 

  The trees seemed brighter, their leaves still on the branches, although anywhere else, they were everywhere but. The invisible light seeped through the leaves above us. 

  "Well?" Louis whispered, looking around himself.

  "It's beautiful. How does the air stay so warm in this area, the leaves, they're still on the trees, and the sun, it's cloudy today. I don't understand, but I don't feel like I have to. I love it. How did you find this?" I whispered back.

  I felt like talking to loud to disrupt the nature. 

  "I discovered this place as a child, it was always here when I wanted somewhere warm and sacred to be alone. It was always warm, even when it was snowing. It was like magic to me, and it still is. I never have taken anyone here before." 

laugh often // larry stylinson {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now