chapter twenty one

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 School always dragged by when I was waiting for it to end. Looking at the clock only seemed to make it drag on longer. Classes were worse as final exams neared before the end of the semester. I found myself going to Gemma a lot more than I wanted to, asking for homework help.

  She always frowned, but she always helped me. I wanted to spend those few hours with Louis, the less and less time we got together was wearing on us. Driving me nuts. 

  But as the week droned on, Louis' tryouts approached. The night before the tryouts, Louis had doubts. 

  "There's going to be a lot of people there, Harry. People that would be watching me, watching me perform. I'm not used to that."

  "Lou, I'm gonna be there, if you feel the need to run, to escape. Look at me, I'll always be there for you." I whispered, as he sighed and put his head in his hands. 

  I rubbed his back reassuringly, "You're gonna do fine, Lou. Trust me." He looked back up and smiled, I returned it effortlessly.

  "Plus, Lottie's coming, remember? Gemma might, too. If Michael doesn't call her in." He bit his lip, "What if Michael calls you in?" He whispered.

  I shook my head, "I wouldn't show." He frowned, "Your job is more important than me." I smiled, "That's where you're wrong." I winked and he rolled his eyes.

  "You're awful." 

  "Mmm, in what way?" He laughed loudly and jumped on top of me, knocking me down, "And bad." He purred. 

  "What are you gonna do? Spank me?" I whispered, he cocked his head as he lowered it down towards mine. His eyes sparkling, "Maybe." He whispered.

  "Uh oh, I'm scared." I feigned fright, he rolled his eyes again as his lips came down on mine. My hands gripped his shirt, pulling it up, revealing his skin. My hands wandered the silky smooth texture.

  His legs on either side of me, he pushed his body against me, and I moaned, my lips parting from his, but then they were back, and he was rough. He moved his body against mine, side to side. I gripped his belt from the back, pulling him in. 

  This time, he moaned, and I shoved him off, flipping over so I was on top, but we never broke contact. 

  "Harry.." He stuttered out my name against my lips, and I swallowed another moan. His hands gripped and tugged against my hair, so much lost time, so long, and this was definatly making it up.

  I bit his lip and pulled back as he moaned again. Both of us out of breath, I opened my eyes to see him staring right into them. I was unable to speak as I looked into his eyes. So bright blue, so beautiful.

  He didn't speak either, and I don't know how long we sat like that, I don't really care. All that I saw was Louis, all that I cared about was Louis.

  Louis was my bright blue sky, he was there when they clouds were rolling in, making my life grey and dull. He showed up to brighten up my future and my life. He was the reason I was smiling and working to make Gemma and myself happier.

  Louis gently shoved me off, breaking eye contact. He flipped us around to where we were before. He lay down on my chest, like every night, and I wrapped my arms around him, grabbing the blanket and spreading it out over us.

  "You're going to be great tomorrow." I whispered against his hair, and then pressed my lips to his head, lingering before I pulled away. 

 He sighed, and held my hand under the covers. I smiled at the shyness of him, although he was so powerful and open when his lips were crushing mine. 

laugh often // larry stylinson {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now