chapter ten

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   The next morning I awoke with Louis shaking me, "Are you always so hard to wake up?" He teased, and I responded groggily, "Yes." 

  I glanced to the clock on the mantel, "Why are we up so early? It's only six." I asked, rolling over. He pulled me back over on my back, "Because it's going to take awhile to walk to school." He answered. 

  I rolled my eyes, "Louis, you don't actually think we're going to WALK, do you? I do have a car, you know." He paused. "Oh. Yeah." He was completely dressed, tying the laces to his shoes. He slowly took them off one by one, and sat on the floor beside the bed.

 "Louis, where did you sleep last night?" I asked. I wasn't getting back to sleep now. 

  The last thing I remembered was kissing him, and butterflies shot through my stomach at the thought, then we talked, then I fell asleep. I knew I fell asleep before him, because he was playing with my curls. He couldn't get over them, he thought they were magnificent. 

 "On the floor." He looked down towards his hands, and I followed his gaze. He was sitting on a bunch of blankets layered on the floor to act as a bed, a single pillow lay at the head. I sat up on the comfortable mattress I occupied.

  "Louis, why? I don't have cooties you know." I said, he looked back up towards me, "I know, but you're the guest, you deserve to be more comfortable." He shrugged. I shook my head.

  "You shouldn't have done that.. you should have woke me up, or at least slept beside me, this is a large mattress." I told him, shaking my head, and running a hand through my hair.

  "It's no problem, really. I never have guests, it's nice," He smiled, and I couldn't help but return it. 

  He didn't mention the kiss, but I was urging to, I wanted to know why he did it, and I couldn't lie to myself, I wanted him to do it again.

  He looked down towards the makeshift bed he sat on, "About last night.. I hope I didn't scare you away or anything.." He whispered, and I smirked, moving towards him, "No way." 

  I could see a faint flush forming on his cheeks, "But what does it mean?" I asked, moving back to my position on the mattress, he shrugged, "I don't know.. I just really wanted to do it, I thought at the moment, that it felt so right." 

  "And was it?" I whispered, he looked back up, smiling. Then he nodded, "Oh yeah." 

  "Would you ever do it again?" I asked, unable to look away, although I was dying to, scared of his reaction. 

  He shrugged, then slowly leaned in towards me, my heart sped up, beating louder and louder, then he stopped, inches from my mouth, "You'll have to find out." His breath warmed my lips, making me shiver. 

  "And you call ME the tease!" I commented as he pulled back. He just laughed, and crawled back into his position on his blankets.

  He glanced towards the clock every now and then, when it happened the third time in ten minutes, I rolled my eyes, "Lou, we literally have over and hour until we have to be there." I said, and he sighed, "I know, but I don't want to miss Chem. I have a test." 

  "Relax, you won't miss it. How about I coach you while we wait?" I asked, and he nodded gratefully. 

  We spent the next thirty minutes going over his Chemistry notes, and testing him on what he knew. He was excellent, he really had nothing to worry about. "Louis, you're great at this, you're going to do fine, trust me." I said as I put the last sheet of notes to the side.

  "Thanks Harry!" He looked towards the clock again, and gasped, making me look up and follow his eyes. It was nearly bell! I jumped up, and rushed over to the closet where my shoes and shirt lay on the floor. 

laugh often // larry stylinson {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now