~The Sign~

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Aphmau's POV

I felt gravity pushing me down, the earth dragging me to its core.

My hands reach out in front of me as the air wraps around me quickly.

I saw memories of when we first met. 

Memories when he picked up the pencil. 

How he hooked my chin.

The painting on my ceiling.

I wake up on a cold hard floor. I sit up and rub my eyelids with my fists. 

I groggily stand up and look around me. 

I was in a pitch black room. Although it wasn't my room, there was a sense of familiarity to it.

There stood a tall chocolate-skinned woman with a white cloak and wreaths on her head. She offered me a piece of candy. I accepted it without question and I continued to walk.

Okay, give me crap about candy from strangers.

I was hungry.

(Actually, don't take candy from strangers okay)

I just felt....weird. This room was completely black, I couldn't see a thing, and it radiated an ominous aura. I couldn't tell if I was standing on the floor, or the walls, or the ceiling.

As I walked around this weird room, I come across a tiny door. 

It looked like the type of door that only your cat, Sprinkles could fit through. (Sprinkles!)

I was confused so I looked at the candy because candy is usually the answer to everything. 

I brought my thumb up and down the wrapper, feeling every wrinkle and crevice as it enticed me. 

I was hungry and you're not you when you're hungry. 

I ate the candy and it, fitting the theme of this whole evening, tasted weird. Maybe it's one of those candies without sugar or any bad stuff. 

Eat this candy, they say. It tastes good, they say. 

Yeah right.

I then felt everything suddenly enlarge around me. My head spun rapidly causing me to retreat to the ground in dizzy haste. Yup, definitely drugs. 

When I finally regained the ability to move again, I stood back up, checking my current surroundings. I saw the tiny door, but now as a regular door. 

This was cool but freaky, but cool. I had no other way to articulate the feeling. 

Behind the door laid a long hallway with doors on each side with signs on the side of each door.

One read Butts 101, another read The Birth Of Apple, one even said The Origin of Mad Max, but looked like it was scratched at because claw marks ran down the sign.

I walked down the endless hallway, still looking for that damn bunny, not the least bit concerned I was in a foreign place, was given potential drugs, and was alone. 

I'm the brightest 17-year-old there is. 

I came to another large room with a two-story tall roof and had a width of at least 100 yards. (Screw the metric system, we Americans do things differently.)

The entire room was empty aside from a single long dining table in the center. 

I strolled slowly over to the table. It had 3 babies in black, blue, and green on one side, and 2 women on the other. There was also a singular man at the head of the tabl, all indulging happily in a meal, dressed in what seemed like medieval wear. 

I walked over awkwardly, fidgeting with my fingers uneasily.

"Hello, did you happen to see a bunny come around recently?" I asked, curiously.

"Nope, but I think the king of hearts might know, just warning you he's....a...BOY!"

The man, with a funky hat and blue hair, and the two women screeched. 

These people fit this dream's theme very well. 

I continued to walk, randomly yelling "here bunny bunny...." 

And that's just when I noticed.....

What the hell was I doing?! 

I was walking around a strange place, talking with strange people, all to find a very adorable purple bunny?! 

I reminded myself it was purple so I could keep going.

I came across another large room but this was occupied by an abundance of soldiers, with a stage at the other end. 

On the stage was figure dressed in full gold armor with diverse gems spread across his armor. This figure sat on a similar golden throne. Clearly the figure of power in this particular room.

Another figure stood near him, sporting an oversized black cloak and square glasses, resting on the crook of his nose. He was also clasping a large book in his right hand. 

The soldiers who stood between me and the stage automatically cleared a path for me down the center, as if my presence had been expected and rehearsed.  

The black cloaked figure was the first to speak.

"Little bunny, do you really think so much from so little? Do you know how undermining it is to accuse a person of such a...." The figure sitting on the throne raised a hand. 

The black cloaked figure bowed his head and said: "Forgive me....."

Everything was silent. All the soldiers and the black cloaked figure disappeared. It was just me and the golden figure. His posture was excellent despite what seemed like burdening armor. 

He had on a golden helmet so I couldn't see his face.

I walked slowly towards the stage, scared of my fate. 

He stood up, using his arms to push himself off his throne. 

I climbed the stairs of the stage until I was one yard from him. He started to speak in an all too familiar voice.

I suddenly felt two ears meld onto my head, that seemed like it was just apart of my hair. 

"Why do you think of me in such a way?" 

I open my mouth, intending to speak but, I was unable to.

"Why do you think of the memories we shared, the moments we spent, the time we shared, why do you think I would cause you suffering?" 

He took both his hands and put them on his helmet. 

He lifted it up and threw it to the side.

I stood there frozen in my stead, shocked, unable to take in what was happening. 

My lips part to speak again but I was interrupted by Aaron's warm lips pressing against mine.

I sat up quickly in bed, sweating and panting with the sun shining through my window. His lips still seemingly lingering on mine

It was a dream. He didn't kiss me, but what he said, is it true? 

Nah, it was a dream. Dreams aren't real. That kiss....just a manifestations of my wishes.

But dreams, even though they are dreams and not reality, dreams are apart of life and life is reality. 

Dreams will show us different things for us to look for. 

Should I look for what he showed me?

Thank you all for reading! I know that many of you are confuzzled by this but watch PDH ep 29 to understand it better. Thank you all for 85 views! Have a nice day!

Ross: See ya!

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