(25) Birthday~

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Chapter 25: Birthday~ Part 1!~


EXO invited me to come to their place. I don't know if I have the right thought in my head. I got up and opened the curtains "Good morning world!~". "AHHH TOO BRIGHT!!" I hurriedly closed the curtains. I sighed and strectched. I went to the bathroom to take a bath.

I wore plain green shirt and skinny jeans with matching sneakers. I put a light make up and tied my hair into a messy up bun."Miss, are you ready?" Mr. Lee asked; my personal driver. I shook my head "I'm going to drive".

He gave my the keys and I went to the garage.

I opened my white car and drove away.

While I was driving, I got bored so I turned on the radio.

"Now we're going to play 'You don't know love' by K.Will" The radio host said. "Omo! My favorite" The song played and I sang with it.

I arrived at EXO'S dorm. I parked my car and got out.

I knocked on their door then I entered "Hello?"

"Anybody home? I baked some cupcakes for you guys" Then someone covered my eyes. "Happy Birthday" he whispered. I smiled and removed his hands from my eyes.

"Thank you" I said and kissed him on the cheeks. The lights opened. I was so surprised and embarrased. It was Kai! I thought it was Suho!

"Sorry I didn't mean it!! I thought you were Suho" I covered my tomato face. They all laughed.

"I knew that would happen!" Suho exclaimed.

"Sorry! It was just. . ." I walked towards him and gave him a bear hug. He hugged me back "It's ok, yeobo"

"How did you feel about Madel's kiss?" D.O asked.

Kai stayed quiet and he blushed "I didn't saw that coming"

"By the way, who planned all this? And how did you guys knew it was my birthday?"

"It was Kris' plan" Luhan pointed at Kris.

"Well, I. . . just" Kris blushed.

"Really? So how did you know it was my birthday?"

"I'm a big fan of yours" He smiled shyly.

"Well then, thank you" I said sweetly and gave him a peck on the cheeks.

He was shocked "I'm g-going to g-get the cake" He excused and went to the kitchen.


"Ahhh don't be jealous, yeobo~" I winked at him then he grabbed my waist.

"Don't try to take her away from me, she's mine" Suho warned.

"Whatever" No one seems to be afraid of him.

I can still remember my 9th birthday, the day that Kyungsoo broke his promise.

While we're eating cake on the table, I was in between Suho and Kyungsoo.

"Kyungsoo, can I talk to you in private?" I whispered.

He stopped eating and looked at me."Why?"

"Come on" I grabbed his arm and stood up.

The boys looked at us. We went outside the dorm. I started crying.

"Hey Madel, why are you crying?" He asked worriedly.

"Why didn't you showed up on my 9th birthday, kyung-kyung?" I asked and stared at his eyes. He gasped.

"Ana? Is it you?" He hugged me

"Sorry for not attending your 9th birthday. There was an accident" He said and told me the whole story.

"Why didn't you told the guys that you're alive?" He asked.

"I didn't know that you guys thought I was dead. But please D.O, don't tell them that I'm alive" I said and made him promise.

I hugged him "I missed you, Oppa."

"I missed you too, my princess" He hugged me back.

We went back inside the dorm.

(To be continued)

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