(4) Tears

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Chapter 4: Tears

Now the rest of the chapters will be a made up ones. :)

Hope you'll enjoy it !


I turned on the T.V and . . . .


I jumped out of happiness and then I rolled on my bed but I suddenly stopped when I remembered something... SH*T

"I don't have any money left" I'm broke. I used all my money on our freaking project last week! (TT^TT)

I pouted and sat on my bed. (°3°)

"How come that I don't have any money when I need it so much?"

Then my mom called me "Ana! We're going to MOA tomorrow ok?" She said

"Ok!" I shouted from my room.
We're going to MOA tomorrow but I will not attend EXO's concert! What a great time to be sad 😢

It's dinner time.

I can't eat my dinner. I'm just picking on my food.

"Ana. Where are your manners?" My mom said

"Sorry mom" I finished my food and hurriedly went upstairs.I buried my face on my pillow.

"Why?" I looked up a little and I felt that a tear was dropping down my face. :'(


"Sweetie, Hurry up! We're leaving in 20 minutes!" She said

"Ok!" I fixed my hair and picked my clothes. I decided to wear a black jeggings and white sweatshirt.

"Let's go" I nodded and rode my mom's car.

When my mom was driving, I'm looking out the window.

My mom looked at me "Is everything alright dear?"

"Oh sure, Everything's great mom. Everything's great" I said sarcastically. I let out a deep sigh. I was really disappointed.

Why am I so broke on EXO's concert? Talk about bad luck. Screw those projects...

Without me noticing we already arrived.

"Baby we're here. Are you really ok?" my mom looked so worried. I looked at her and faked a smile. "Yeah. I'm fine"

We entered the mall. IT'S SO COLD! Good thing I'm wearing a sweatshirt.

"So where do you want to go?" She asked

"I want to go to the restroom" I said cause I can't handle it anymore. (•~•)

"Ok then I'll just wait for you here" She said then I hurriedly ran into the restrooms.

I immediately walked out then I bumped into someone.

"Hey watch were you're goin-" I was stopped cause I saw.

Oh my God,


"Nicky!" I hugged her.

"Hello! What are you doing here?" She asked

"Well I was just shopping with my mom"

"Oh really? Well, I need to go now! See you soon! Bye!" She waved goodbye while running. I went to my mom "What took you so long?"

"I bumped into Nicky" I answered

"Ok let's go!" She said dragging me to a clothing shop.

"Oh~ Mom I like this one!" I said "Go fit it"

I went to the fitting room and tried it.

"How do I look?" I asked looking at my dress

"You're beautiful" Then my mom bought it for me of course.
I smiled shyly "Thanks mom"

After our shopping,we ate at my favorite restaurant.

"Mom! I'll just look over there ok!" I said then she nodded.

I went to a teddy bear shop.

Then I bumped into someone again. What's up with me and bumping today?

"Mianhae!" Said the guy "Yeah you should be sorry" I said then when I looked up. MY HEARTBEAT JUST DROPPED 50FT BELOW THE GROUND.

• • • • •

"Y-you a-are K-Kai" felt like m heart is trying to win a race because it's too fast.
(°__°) ♥ √\____√\____√\___

"Yes. But I should not be recognized here" He said in Korean. That's why he's in a coat and shades.

"Oh ok. You're lost aren't you?" I asked in Korean.

He nodded

"I'm not surprised. Come on I'll help you" I texted my mom and walked with him. Many people are looking at us.

"Soo. . . Is this your first time here in the Philippines?" I asked. Outside, I'm serious and just walking but inside, you don't wanna know. My tummy's turning, butterflies flew in my stomach, red tomatoes are my new blush now and... oh damn.

"No. This is actually my 2nd time" He answered. There are so many people and I think he's nervous that he might get recognized. He held my hand so tight and I blushed deep red. He noticed it and smiled then I blushed even more, OMG (>////<) ♥

We arrived to his destination.

"Kamsahamnida! I still have 30 minutes before the concert will go on" He said "So what's your name?" He asked and smiled at me flirty. ;)

My eyes went big "A-ana..." I answered shyly.

"Well then thank you Ana" He kissed me on the cheeks! OH MY FREAKING GOOSE. WTF. WTF. WTF. I CAN'T EVEN. EHMEGED.

"Y-you're welcome". If I'm compared to a tomato then I would be more red. Then I heard a camera sound.

"Hey Did you just took a photo of me?" I pouted

"Yep" He smiled.
"So that I can remember you" He added.

"May I get your number?" He asked then I gave him my number but unfortunately I didn't have his number.

Damn it. :(

"oh I should get going now. I need to fix myself! Bye Danica!" He waved goodbye (^w^)/ and gave me a flying kiss. ;*

After he disappeared,


Many people looked at me and I'm so embarased. (-///-)

"Hey baby what happend? Why are there so many people looking at you?" (•_•)? My mom asked "You don't wanna know"


We went home and I went upstairs.

'This is my best day ever!!! I met him OMG! Finally!!' I made a status update and it got many likes and comments.

Yeah, This is definitely my best day ever. Saranghaeyo, Kai.

♥ ♥ ♥

Before I fell asleep,I thought about Kai and wish to dream about him. Then my eyes became heavy and I fell asleep.


So how was it? I wish I could meet all of them personally!


Well then so that's it for chapter 4: Tears. Hope you enjoyed it!

Vote, Fan and Comment!

Fighting ! Aegyo for ya'll (•w~) *wink*


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