(12) Am I too late?! (Part 3)

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Chapter 12: Am I too late? (Part 3)


(Back to Ana's POV)

They dragged me into the basement.

"Please!!! Let go of me !!!" I pleaded. They acted like they didn't heard me.

They pushed me onto the chair. The guy tied my hands behind and he also tied my feet and covered my mouth with tape.

I felt that someone was trying touch me. I struggled then the guy infront slapped me hard,on the Face!! HEELLLLPPPPP PLEASSEEE! I screamed in my head.

I cried silently hoping that Kai would save me. . .


While were about to ride the ferris wheel, someone texted me.

From: Lay

Kai! We need your help. Ana is in danger!

He said. Ana is in danger? but the ferris wheel is already starting, I can't stop it. DAMN!!!

"Kai-oppa? What's that?" Sunnie moved closer and flirted.

"Nothing" I smiled and kept my phone in my pocket.

Ana, sorry. . .


"Guys!! The lady said the cops might take awhile!" Chen screamed while catching up with them. They stopped and we stopped too.

"What are we going to do?" Luhan said

"I guess we'll have to do this on our own" D.O said and we nodded.

"Let's go!!!" I said then continued running.

We looked everywhere but we cannot find her.

"Hey, where do you think the kidnappers will go if they're with a girl?" Kris asked.

"Somewhere dark" Chanyeol said

"And no people" Suho added. Then something came up in my mind.

"THE BASEMENT!!" I hurriedly ran into the stairs and they followed. We arrived and started to search for Danica.

Then a couple of minutes, we saw the 6 guys.

"Let her go!!" D.O screamed. The guys turned around and smiled.

"Oh look guys. EXO are here"

So they know us, huh? We're so famous. I thought.

"What would be the exchange for this girl??" They moved sidewards and we saw Danica crying and tired. She have bruises and cuts.

D.O lost his temper and attacked.

"YOU PIECES OF SHITS !!! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY BABY!!!!???" He screamed and punched them.

We attacked too. We're many than them so obviously we'll win.

I removed the tape on her mouth and the tie on her hands and feet.

"Ana are you okay?" I know I shouldn't asked that kind of question cause she's obviously not ok.

"I am now, Kai" She said. Is she hallucinating?

Then she hugged me. I put a towel on her cause I accidentally saw her, you know~

After my friends fought, they asked Ana if she's ok but she kept on asking where's Kai.

"Ana, Kai's not here" Suho said.

"But I want him here" She said while crying. The cops came and took care of the 6 guys. I told them what happened then Kris carried her cause her feet is swollen.

We opened her room and put her on the bed. Kyungsoo searched for her clothes. D.O said to cover our eyes and don't peek cause Ana will change her clothes. D.O will not do anything bad to her cause when they were kids, Kyungsoo always changes Ana's clothes. Such a sweet brother. . .

"I want Kai to sleep here with me" She said while hugging her pillow. Kyungsoo touched her forehead and his eyes widen.

"She's burning!" He said. Then Sehun touched her forehead.

"She got fever"

D.O told us to get cold water, medicines and bandages.

"Here's the cold water" I said and handed the cold water.

"Thanks" He deeped the towel on the water and put it on Danica's forehead.

"Sweetie, drink this medicine,Please" D.O said but Danica insist.

"I don't want medicines, I want Kai here to sleep with me" She wined like a five years old.

Luhan and Sehun took care of her bruises and cuts. It's minor nothing serious but all of us was so worried.

D.O sighed then someone knocked on the door.


I hurriedly went to the hotel. I left Sunnie all alone in the amusement park.

*After 30 minutes*

I knocked on Ana's door.

"Hello?" Then I entered. Kyungsoo glared at me. I heard Ana saying my name repeatedly. Why is she saying my name? I asked my self.

"Look who's here. The guy who chose his slutty friend over his girl 'friend'!!!" Lay yelled.

"Sorry" I said. D.O walked towards me then grabbed my t-shirt.


I want to explain my side but I can't. Everyone was looking at me disappointedly.


It was getting dark already. Some of them left the room except for me, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol.

"Kyung-kyung, where's Kai? I want him here to sleep with me. I need his hug, it's so cold" She said in a very sweet voice. She wants me to sleep with her?

"Ana, Kai-oppa is here" Chanyeol said and touched her hair.

"Kai-oppa, sleep here with me tonight ok?" She smiled and looked at me.

"Sleep with her tonight and don't do anything bad to her" Kyungsoo whispered and I nodded.

"Take care of her, ok?" Chanyeol said then they left us.

They are sure so worried about Ana. Well, she is the first girl who got so close to us and they told me that she was Kyungsoo's sister.

I touched her forehead and it's burning hot!

She held my hand and pulled me near to her.

I layed down on her bed "Sorry Ana. Forgive me?" I asked. She smiled "Of course, oppa. Mahal kita eh"

I furrowed my eyebrows.What did she said?

Ma-hal ki-ta? What does that mean?

She then suddenly slept. Seeing her sleeping face makes me happy. She's so peaceful and quiet. I kissed her forehead and slept too. I hugged her and pulled her near my chest.

"Goodnight Ana." I whispered.


So how was the 3 special chapters?

This chapter was supposed to be sad but I failed. Instead, it became sweet and sexy

Thank you very much!!




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