Chapter 8

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Chapter 9

Anabell ran out the villa with all her belongings stuffed in two suitcases. All of the faeries staring at her just made her feel even more embarrassed. It is one thing to get kicked out your own home, but for everyone to stare at you, made you even feel worse. She ran all the way to the Fixed court castle to find Nerio. With tears blurring her eyes, Anabell found it hard to navigate, constantly using her shoulders to get rid of the tears, since she was carrying the suitcases, the top of her shirt was soaked with water and her eyes were red. Since Anabell was now a solitary faerie, not being fully bound to one court, she was able to pass through the doors of the Fixed Court's castle without a problem. When she reached the castle, she immediately made her way through the castle towards Nerio's room banging loudly. Nerio opened the room door with a plain t-shirt and boxers rubbing his eyes and yawning. Anabell pushed her way in.

“Damn, babe what happened, aggressive much?,” Nerio said startled.

Anabell went to go sit on his bed, he stopped rubbing his eyes and turned on the light. He sat next to her.

“Oh shit, what happened to your face,” Nerio said furiously.

Nerio walked over to Anabell and sat on the bed holding Anabell's face, examining it. Anabell had a black and blue mark on her right cheek. Since, she was silver it showed even more.

“Who did this?,” Nerio asked.

“After I left here Keir and I got into this whole argument, then we just started fighting.”

“What? Why?”

“It was because I was not with Valentina today and I admitted that I was with you, so he got really upset and started saying how I was not loyal to his court.”

“Who is Valentina?,” Nerio asked hoping it was not the same the girl as the one Carnell was drooling over.

“It is the same girl that Carnell wanted, but instead Keir wanted to use as a changeling to make our court stronger,” Anabell said shrugging.

“Anabell if you knew the whole time, why would you not tell me.”

“Because,” Anabell looked up to Nerio with her beautiful silver eyes “I was bound the Cardinal Court. You could not have expected me to betray my court?”

“No, no you are right, but Anabell, I am not upset at the fact that Keir did that, he has no boundaries, that is expected, but I am shocked at what he is trying to do. Can I tell Carnell?”

“Of course,” Anabell said with a big smile on her face and her cheek bones showing off.

“No matter what happens between the courts you know that I still love you right.”

“Yeah, I know Nerio,” she said hugging him.

Nerio sat there hugging her back wondering why she did not say I love you back, but he just brushed it off. Nerio broke off the hug, got up, walked towards his drawer and bought out his biggest shirt.

“Here you can sleep in this,” He said throwing the shirt on her head.

“Hmmm. No bottoms?,” she asked in curiosity and a big smile went across Nerio's face. Anabell started laughing. Nerio went back to sit on his bed next to Anabell again. Then, Anabell got up and started changing her clothes in front of Nerio. Nerio just sat there admiring her body. Anabell took off her shirt with the shoulder part soaked with water, and she took off her jeans.

“What that ass do though,” Nerio added in the comment.

Anabell giggled and started twirling around right in front of Nerio's face. Then, she slipped on the shirt and got on Nerio's lap with her body facing his.

“So it looks like I got you trapped here until you find a place,”Nerio said smirking.

“I guess so,” Anabell put her hands on Nerio's shoulders, while Nerio's hands was on Anabell's back. They fell back on the bed and started making out. Anabell sat up still on Nerio's lap. Nerio flipped Anabell over now being on top and started kissing her neck.

“Mhmm,” Anabell moaned.

Nerio started dragging his fingers on the inside of her leg still kissing her neck.

“Nerio,” Anabell whispered.

“Yes,” Nerio responded.

“I love you too.”

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