Chapter 4

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Carnell went past his mother and Aura back to his room. Carnell laid down on his bed again and Nerio came into his room. Nerio had similar features to Carnell's father except his face was more friendly. His chest stood more out and he had a tall structure.

“So, are you done with going around the truth,” he said while leaning against the door frame

“I can not abandon her now, I just met her today,” Carnell explained

“Oh really, after over a century.”

“Not in her time.”

“It does not matter, all I am trying to say is you are wasting your time. What makes her so special?”

“I have been watching her for more than a century now. I feel as if I have grown attached to her.”

“Well if you are going to make her bound to this court do it fast. Autumn only lasts for a short period of time. Soon the Fixed Court will become strong again.”

“So will ours.”

“From you transitioning into king, that will weaken our court. If you bound her before Keir does it may leave the Fixed Court and Cardinal Court on uneven grounds.”

“You are right what can I do for her to agree to be with me.”

Aura entered my room and she sat on my bed next to me. Aura had a well-shaped lip and nose with a heart shaped face and dimpled cheeks. She had well-proportioned features and a pleasant expression, even when she was not feeling pleasant. Her movements tended to be graceful. Her speaking voice was clear a melodious. She was conventionally attractive and had a certain charm to her. Her face had character with her gorgeous smile, and a lovely, infectious laughter.

“Ask her to the Faerie Festival,” Aura suggested.

“Carnell get this over with. Just make her drink some faerie juice or eat some faerie food. Skip all of the emotional parts,” Nerio advised.

“Nerio shut up. Carnell even if you are able to to help her become bound to our court some part of her will always be apart of Keir's Court because she's an Aquarius. The Fixed Court contains Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius,” Aura explains.

“So, what you are trying to say is no matter what she never be fully bound to this Court,” Nerio clarifies.

“Exactly,” Aura confirms.

“Now I agree with Aura. You have have to make her as loyal and bound to this court as possible, so take her to that Faerie Festival,” he added “How did she react when you approached her?”

“I think she really liked me. Some Mutable Court Girls were bothering her and I stepped in,” Carnell said

“If the Mutable Court Girls know what you are doing, then they may tell Keir,” said Aura in realization

“That is why I said she needs to be bound to this court fast,” Nerio reminded “but you wanted for him to go through all of the romance.”

“So then now what can I do?” Carnell asked

“Do what you have to do,” Aura advised

The Luna Series: ValentinaWhere stories live. Discover now