Chapter 6

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Valentina walked into her apartment to hear her mother talking extremely loud on the phone. Valentina started to grit her teeth in an irritated way.

"Valentina, why you coming home so late?" exclaimed her mother

"I'm sorry, the train was running late," Valentina explained

"Well next time you better go pull that train to your stop and be here on time next time."

"Yes mom."

"Damn kid, I provide you with everything and you can't even respect my rules, then you need to go."

Valentina starts walking towards her bedroom, ignoring her mother. She sunk her head low and walked inside to her room to find Gabrielle there.

"Hey," greeted Valentina

"Hi sport," replied Gabrielle "Sorry about what happened out there."

"It's fine, I should just go, the only person that wants me here is you."

Valentina sat down on her bed and started to pick at her nails.

"I won't say that things will get better because that's corny as hell, and we know that's not true."

"Yeah, you're right."

Gabrielle got down to her level on her bed

"But, just stay out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind."

"Whatever it won't work. That's what I've been doing"

"Children if you are done having your corny conversation come in the living room we need to talk," bombarded their mother.

Valentina and Gabrielle got up off the bed and walked towards the living room and sat down on the two-seat couch. Their mother Danielle sat on the clustered coffee table in front of them facing them.

"So children, I just got a call from your baby daddy, he's sayin' that he gonna come today, and he's out of rehab," their mother started.

Valentina had her hand under her chin, with lazy eyes, while yawning. On the other hand Gabrielle was upright, with her eyes wide open as if she was scared. Their father walked out on them and their mother to go "fix himself" when Valentina was 12. To Valentina he always seemed to have some kind of care towards her, but Gabrielle said that she never trusted him because of how much he disregarded their mother. Valentina never seemed to care what Gabrielle had to say about him because her mother did not care about her anyway. Their father entered rehab because after years of never having that close connection with their mother he developed a drinking problem. After a while of getting false messages that he is ready to come back, just for the messages to be disregarded later they never truly thought that he would come home. But something in Valentina just knew that this would be the last call.

"Are listening to me child," Danielle slapped Valentina across the face "don't yawn in my face before I slap the color out your eyes."

"Sorry," Valentina apologized

"You better be. I didn't raise no rude children."

The key hole turned and made a click click sound. A familiar face walked in.

"I'm back!," Valentina's and Gabrielle's father David came in.

Valentina ran towards her father and gave him a bear hug.

"I missed you daddy," Valentina lets go

"Aww, I missed you too sweat pea. Wow you got so big," David looked around the apartment "Anymore hugs?"

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