Chapter 3

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Carnell walked about three blocks west and headed for the circle up ahead of Central Park. He went through the garden entrance and entered Faerie. There were Solitary Fae just walking around and so were the Mutable Fae. Only Mutable and Solitary fairies could withstand the cold at this time of the year. Autumn, Mutable Fae can handle the change because they are adaptable and flexible in everything. Solitary Fae can handle it because they aren't committed to any court so they can withstand anything. He was soon the Cardinal Court's home. It was a long hall with two floors of different rooms. Carnell was about to go to his room until he was stopped by his father. His father had a round face, soft features, and apple cheeks. He had rounded eyes, and at times can have a sometimes dreamy expression. His high cheekbones and a prominent brow compliment his look. His features were very expressive with long limbs in the arms in legs. He always wore a "king" suit, as if to mock the kings from the 1500s.

"Carnell," his father called.

"Yes, father," Carnell answered.

"You're mother and I need to have a word with you."

"Where will this talk be located"

"In the meeting hall. Make sure you are there in twenty minutes"

"Will there be anyone else involved in this talk?"

"Yes. My two consultives."

"Nerio and Aura. Is this about my time to become king."

"Yes it might happen a bit earlier. We will discuss it over the meeting."

"Okay father."

He then turned around and walked down the hall. Carnell went to Carnell's room and laid down on his bed for a moment. He was just going to relax. He was too tired to take a shower. So, he closed his eyes and started to think about Valentina, whether she would call him or just ignore his gesture. Did she find him as a hero or just random person trying to make conversation with her? He could not think straight. He was not ready for the meeting, his mind was not in the right place, but he has to go even if he does not want to. Carnell got up and headed towards the meeting hall. When he went in the meeting hall he took a seat at the long table. Carnell sat next to the head of the table where Carnell's father sat. Nerio sat on the other side of him, while Aura sat next to Carnell's mother Adamina. Adamina had a well-modulated, deep speaking voice. She had naturally straight hair, and a dark complexion. Her nose was structured and well shaped with sensitive skin. Unlike other astrological faeries she lacked the jittery high energy, she made make slower, more deliberate movements. When at rest she would exhibit steady somewhat serious expressions. She had a grace of manner, but sometimes she had difficulty relaxing. At first she would appear uptight, bored, or uncomfortable, but once she is able to get past her discomfort, she will appear fresh and warm.

"Carnell, your mother and I have decided to become solitary earlier than expected, but we believe that you may put our court in danger," Carnell's father started.

"Yes Carnell, you know that at this time of year our court is weak. We want to give you power, but you seem distracted," Carnell's mother added.

"Mother I assure you I am fine. I can handle the court if you decide to become Solitary Fae," Carnell said.

Carnell's father banged on the table with his fist and stood up.

"That is nonsense. For months now your mind has not been here," he raised his voice "What is bothering you."

"Calder calm down. Carnell can just be talked to. There is no reason to stand up," Carnell's mom explained.

"Adamina," Carnell's father took a seat "Carnell has to learn how to set his priorities"

"Father I assure you I am fine," Carnell reassured.

It was not a lie. Faeries can not lie. I am physically well.

"Okay, well Carnell. I guess we are done here," said Carnell's mother.

"Meeting dismissed," Carnell's father confirmed.

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