Chapter 2

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Next day, when the last bell for the day rang Valentina grabbed her things and left school. She walked towards the train station and went down the stairs to wait for the 6 train. She had her back towards the wall and her fingers kept tapping on her thighs while she was lightly humming. The train came five minutes later. Valentina walked up to the third train car and sat next to the first door on the right side. Her backpack was on her lap with her head laid down on it and her arms hugging it. She yawned and waited for her stop. Then three girls came on the train car at the next stop.


They may not bother her, they might just be on there for the ride. But through their glamor they were the colors green, blue and the other one was green also, but had writing on her.

"Is that the girl?" said the blue faerie.

"Yep," responded the green faerie.

All three of them started walking towards Valentina. No.

"You're so pretty," said the green faerie with writing

Valentina lifted her head up and looked towards the faeries "Thanks"

"I see why Keir wants her," said the green faerie.

"What?" Valentina asked.

The blue one started to touch Valentina's hair. "You have a nice hair color"

"Thank you," Valentina said kind of creeped out. Valentina started to move away towards the back of the train car.

"Where you going," said the green girl

"I was just touching your hair. What's the problem?" questioned the blue one.

"Do you talk?" asked the green faerie with writing.

They started to walk towards the other side of the train where Valentina was. Carnell came on the train through the train cars. Carnell had strong and angular features with a prominent chin, nose and mouth. He had an average height and build with shiny tan hair. His eyes even sparkled.

"Why are you running away?" asked the green faerie.

The train came to a sudden stop,Valentina almost fell, but the faeries did not shift or move.

"Oh look who decided to join the party," said the green faerie

"Carnell, next to be Cardinal Court King," said the blue faerie

"Why are you here? We were just having a little fun," explained the green faerie with writing

"Leave her alone," I told them

"That's it. 'Leave her alone'. You're suppose to be king soon and that's how you are going to control your court?" teased the blue faerie

"You just said it yourself I am about to be Cardinal Court King. I think it would be a bad idea to start a problem with my soon to be court," Carnell explained.

"You can't start any problems," said the blue faerie.

"Yeah, she's not even sworn to your court," added the green faerie with writing.

"But she soon will be," Carnell said

"Keir is going to get to her before you have the chance," remarked the blue faerie

"No he won't, I'll do everything in my power to prevent that," Carnell argued

"You really think you will be able to prevent Keir. He has been in power for centuries as a king," said the green faerie.

"And don't forget Anabell," reminded the green faerie with writing on her.

"What about Anabell?" Carnell asked.

"You don't know?" questioned the green faerie with writing on her.

"Know what?" I demanded

"Keir has Anabell at her school simmering her up," answered the green faerie

"What," Carnell was pissed

"Yep. That's why you should just leave it alone, leave her alone and just forget about it," said the blue faerie

"No. I won't give up," Carnell said

"Carnell, for real, just let it go. What's so special about her?" asked the green faerie

"I don't know I just been watching over her for a while," Carnell said.

"Do you like her Carnell?" the green faerie with writing playfully pushed right underneath my shoulder

"Move," Carnell ordered them.

He then pushed through them and walked towards Valentina. Hopefully the fairies and him were at a far enough distance that she didn't hear majority of the conversation. His first priority is for Valentina to become bound to me. But Anabell has to get out the way first.

"Hey," Carnell approached Valentina

"Listen, I really just want to go home. Thank you for helping me, but I'm getting off the train soon anyway," Valentina told me.

"Your welcome. I made sure they would not bother you again. My name is Carnell."

"My name is Valentina"

"Nice to meet you. Why are you in the third train car by yourself?"

"I just don't like the other train cars, past the third car the train gets too crowded. But I learned my lesson."

They both laughed. Then the train approached 110th street. Valentina got closer to the door ready to leave.

"This is your stop?"

"Yeah, but maybe I'll see you again."

The train came to a complete stop and the doors opened.

"Maybe you will. Bye"

"Okay, bye."

Valentina could not help, but smile when leaving the train car. Carnell's smile made her feel warm, like she was in the right place.

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