Dangerous Protection

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She was beautiful

She was pure

She will soon be one of us

20 Years Earlier

"Are those the rare kind," Roderick said.

"Of course you know I always get the good brand," Keir said, "Daniella why do you look so pale. Do not back out. You are already involved."

"I know. I know. I'm fine," Daniella tried to show.

"Daniella do not bull----" Keir tried to finish his sentence

"Stop it man. She's good. She's been in this for too long to back out now. Right Daniella?" Roderick questioned

I see Daniella's memories play through her mind from last night as I am a wondering guardian angel.

"I'm not doing anything mom. Gosh why are you always bothering me," Daniella explained to her mom again

"Child you better know who your talking to I'm not one of your little friends," her mom warned

"I'm not doing anything wrong. Can you please believe me"

"Why in the hell would I believe you after all of the bullshit you have done"

"Because I'm your daughter"

"Well I know my daughter don't do no boomers"

"Mom I'm not doing any boomers"

"You know what forget it 'cause when your little bum ass is on the street don't come back"

"Mom -"

"Don't "mom" me you know what I can't even look at you anymore, get out my face"



"Daniella?" Roderick bought Daniella's mind back, "You good?"

"I'm sorry guys I can't do this. My mom. I can't. Just no. I'm -----," Daniella tried to explain

A cop car pulled over slowly and smoothly. A cop came out the passenger seat and walked towards Daniella, Keir and Roderick.

"Isn't it a little past your bedtimes," the female cop said

Keir looked like this stuff happened to him on a regular basis, "We were just walking home, Officer -"

Keir looked like he was squinting to see the officer's name tag, but it was dark, so he could not expect to see anything.

"Officer Willas. Why do you look so pale miss?," Officer Willas questioned.

Officer Willas gave Daniella a fierce stare, "Anything you want to tell me?"

Daniella looked like she has mixed emotions. All I could think of was:

The feeling of betrayal is unlike any other.

It's like iron through the heart.

It leaves blood everywhere.

And when it's all over, there is a big scar left, so you can never forget.

When vengeance comes be prepared.

As it is like no other when it hits something you love.

Be careful before you go deep and can't come out.

Daniella needed to make right with her mom, but Daniella couldn't, she would not betray them. But she did.

"IT WAS HIM, KEIR. He bought the boomers. He was trying to get me and Roderick to smoke it, but we didn't, see it's still untouched."

Keir gave Daniella a quick, but deep stare. It was over Keir knew it.

"Keir, I'm going to need you to show me your hands, give me the substance and tell me your last name," said Officer Willas.

Keir willfully handed over the substance and showed his hands, then he said "Marshall"

Officer Willas took Keir in the back of the car and told Daniella and Roderick to go home before they get in any more trouble. Daniella and Roderick took off. It soon started to rain hard, there was even lightning. While the cop drove off a black mist left the car, soon enough Keir was on his way to Faerie going along another victim to become "friends" with. Perhaps someone more reserved. Vengeance goes a long way.

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