While that was happening Serena started brushing Pancham since Bonnie already did Fennekin. Fennekin in the meantime saw Pikachu, Dedenne, and Bunnelby playing with a red ball that Clemont brought, she walked over and ask if she could possibly join which they happily accepted. Fennekin then turned to Froakie if he wanted to join as well, Froakie however, was sitting in lotus position and was meditating and was not even paying attention to Fennekin's question.

While that was happening Froakie in deep meditation in order to sharpen his other senses by taking deep and slow breaths and was listening to surrounding area, other than the sounds of Ash's training and the ball game currently happening, listening to the sounds of nature and the while Pokémon in the area.

However, there was something out of the ordinary. He has the feeling that there was something close by but not close enough to be noticeable was watching them.

Sure enough there was someone, more specifically a boy and his Pokémon, watching them and was debating if they were a threat or not.

The boy was wearing what looked like a blue jumpsuit like Clemont but a darker blue and had a hood. He also had a yellow scarf that went around his neck and onto his back. He had a ponytail that went out of his hood. And he had on a black belt and boots that looks like the whole suit was made out of some kind of leather.

"What do you think Frogadier? They just look like travelers to me" the boy asked.

"Froga frog" the pokemon said looking at the Froakie in the distance.

"What about that Froakie?" he asked.

"Dier.... Frogadier" it said.

"Are you sure? It looks like just another ordinary Froakie to me". The Pokémon just nodded as he kelp observing. "Ok I just we could take a closer look, remember, stay in the shadows."

And like that they disappeared into thin air in order to get closer.

Back with the group, Clemont has just finished preparing lunch.

"Alright guys, lunch is ready" he called. When Clemont called everyone for lunch Ash called off this training and everyone else gathered around Clemont waiting to be served.

However, Froakie remained in lotus position and was still meditating on his surroundings.

"Hey Froakie, Are you coming?" Ash yelled.

"Fro......" Froakie said as he kelp meditating

"What? You sense something?" he asked. As soon as he said that there was movement in the bush.

Froakie's eyes shot wide open as he took some frubbles from around his neck and threw them straight at the bush. Then it made contact there was a loud.........

"OWWW" it said. "That hurt"

"Huh?" Ash said.

"Did that bush just talked?" Bonnie asked. As she said that the two figures fell out of the bush on to the ground revealing themselves.


"Froga......." They moaned.

"AHHHH CREEPERS!!!" Bonnie screamed.

"Wait.... What?!?!" Serena gasped

"HEY..... I AM NOT A CREEPER" the boy yelled.

"You were hiding in the bush watching us, that's what a creeper does" Bonnie yelled.

"It's not like that" he said. "I was just........ Uh........ You know....... getting a closer look."

Everyone else sweat dropped while his Frogadier just faced palmed.

Pokémon XY  Ash's Kalos JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now