Shit hits the fan

88 21 4

11:36 leaving the party

Amìra Pov•
Pissed I don't really care about her being pissed but fine we can go to my room cause I got some shit to say
-downs my shot then turns around I walk off heading towards my room-

Ti'Neásha Pov•
I follow Amìra as she starts walking towards the dorms like why is she on my ass man I'm finna set this straight cause she got this life I live fucked up
-we get to her room I walk in after her closing the door ready to let her have everything on my mind-

"Wtf Amìra?" -push her up against the wall-

"I could be asking you the same thing." -Says cocky-

"I ain't finna play with you, so let's just get to it, you can't get mad about how I make my money and live my fucking life and I to-"

"First off Ti'Neàsha imma need you to lower your voice, and I'm mad cause your doing dumb shit like why are you even doing that? your in college you must have some type of brains fucking use it. You know with the shit your doing you could go to jail for a long time and your music career all this school you worked hard for would be for nothing."

"Amìra" lowly I say "Why do you care? I told you to stay out of my life this why and forget me, US. This is how I live MY life and if you think it's so stupid then why are you even trying to be in it huh? To try and rekindle some childhood shit that died and has been gone." -continue to speak lowly as I get close to her face looking into her eyes as she looks down-

I'm not that little girl anymore I don't cry, I don't seek love, I don't question why I am alone.... I'm sorry to tell you it's to late to save me so do both of us a favor... And let it go.

-She finally looks up at me into my eyes I could tell she was hurt but I seen anger to-

"Your right. Your absolutely right Your a Grown ass Woman now no one should give a damn about you. Now get out. Enjoy."

-she heads towards the door and opens it for me to get out I walk out leaving her room I turn around to say bye but she cuts me off-

"Also I was never trying to rekindle anything.... Just be there for a old friend."

-She slams the door in my face I stood there stunned for a moment but I walked off feeling very numb-


Opening my eyes shit my head is killing me just banging like crazy I roll over and realized that I was in my bed at home thank glory for that I get up slowly going to my bathroom and take some pain reliever with some water and did my normal hygiene things I shouldn't have drink last night but after that shit with Amìra...

I got a headache just thinking about it again....I didn't feel like staying sober but I waited till I sold all my drugs then got fucked up I regret that shit but I made so much money and I don't remember seeing her back at the party

-As I lay back in my bed I look at up the ceiling my mind drafts off...- 


  -Laying on a thin bed on the floor with Amìra at the orphanage she
tapped on my shoulder waking me up from a nightmare-

Here Ti'Neàsha you can have my missy Tina she will protect you while your sleep from your nightmares and keep you safe at night from those people

-Handing me her only and favorite teddy bear-

I can't take Amìra it's the only teddy bear you got you love her.

-smiling- I know....But I love you more and you need her more then I do...Just promise to keep her forever and as long as you have her we will always forever be best friends...

I promise forever and I love you to



.....Can you hold me like always?

-She gets closer and I feel her body heat her arms around our waist and I quickly fall asleep after not having a single nightmare-

Flashback over

-i shake off the flashback not wanting to remember and turn around to check my phone it's 2:37 I have 27 snapchats, over 100 Instagrams and Twitter notifications and what ever crazy stuff that I be getting but I went to my texts I had 20 texts messages 10 from tàz and the others from hoes I check my best friends I ain't care about the rest he said he was home, safe and to call him when I wake up then he sent more saying to call ASAP then saying where am at, when I see it respond back and am I ok. I don't even fell like responding to anything but I text him back told him I was at home sleep and that I'm ok and for the first time in a long time I didn't want to make any moves or be bothered so turned my phone on do not disturb, rolled back over and dozed off.

Sorry you guys for the wait and how short it is but there will be more to come but I need some comments to tell me if I should keep going? What I need to work? Any feedback is wonderfully taken😍😍😍💖💋💯🅿😘😘😘 and btw happy Valentine's day all💋💋💋

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