"Give it back," Simon whispers.


"Please," he smirks, he comes closer and rests his head on Harry's forehead, so that the two are looking at each other right in the eyes.

"You want it?" Harry teased.

"Yes," Simon replied shortly.

Harry lifts up the cigarette, easing it closer to Simons mouth, Simon parts his lips slightly, but before the citrate rests on Simons lips, Harry pulls it back away again.

"Unfair," Simon pouts.


"Harry can you just give me the cigarette," Simon was tatting to get impatient now.

"Simon this isn't a good ide."

"Give the fucking cigarette back!"

Simon snatches the smoke out of his hand as he places it back in between his top and bottom lip. Harry backs away, not wanting to get a whiff of smoke in his face.

"Let me do what I want," Simon stares directly at Harry.

"I don't like it, smokings bad."

"I know you don't like it, you don't have to, but it's my life."

"I want what's best."

"Try it!" Simon interrupts again, Simon leans in and takes the smoke out of his mouth as he hovers it close to Harry, Harry doesn't want it, but Simon isn't having any of it.

" No Si."

"Harry just try it!"

Harry agrees, and rests the smoke in his mouth, he inhales, then exhales, the coughs and chokes and splutters, it was horrible, not ever in his life did he want to try something like that ever again.

"Get it away!"

Simon just laughs.

Harry drops it on the floor, stepping on it to get rid of the slight flame it had left, he didn't want to go down as being known for the kid who accidental let his school on fire.

"Hey!" Simon shouts.

A rain droplet falls on the tip of Simons nose, they both look up, the rain had started to descend.

"We should go."

Simon walks up to Harry and pushes his against the classroom wall. "I think we should talk about what happened in library," he smirks.

"You ignored me," Harry frowns.

"No I didn't!"

"You didn't come to class."

"That's because class sucks, alright?"

Harry laughs a slight laugh, he didn't know why he and such strong feelings for Simon, he wasn't at all like him, they were polar opposites, he was shy and outspoken, while Simon was loud and rebellious.

Two worlds.

Rain falls down on Simons hair, ruining his dirty blonde perfection.

Simon leans in, grabbing Harry waist, before joking there lips together. Harry enjoyed the kiss, his breathe was like a smokers though, and he hated that.

He pulled away.

The first kiss they had Simon hadn't been smoking, he didn't have bad smokers breath, and that was what Harry liked, he wanted a Simon who wasn't someone who downed a backer of cigarettes a day.

"You have smoke breath."

"So? It hasn't affected anyone in the past. Ashley was fine with it."

Harry links the two together, his mind going into different places, Simon and Ashley had kissed, when? Why?

"You hooked up with Ashley!" Harry screams.

Simons face turned paler than it already was, as his eyes widen, he had fucked up, what he had said was not supposed to be known by Harry.

"When?!" Harry asked.

"Last night, but it meant nothing," Simon reassured.

It meant something, or at least it did to Harry, Simon maybe didn't feel like what Harry did, because he wouldn't go off and try something on someone else if he had true feelings for him.

"Si," Harry huffed, the disappointment in his eyes bring Simon to an all time low.

"Simon maybe I shouldn't hang out with you, maybe your not for me," Harry frowns.

"Who is?"

"Someone like Troye."

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