Steve's little sister

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Everyone says Steve is cold and mean, but you know better. You should, he is your big brother. Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted by Steve yelling at the top of his voice, and that was loud. "Come on, hurry up ! We're gonna be late!" You holler back, "hang on man! I can't find that book I was gonna give Pony and Gracie" (gracie was the Curtis's little sister and your best friend) as you were walking down the stairs Steve gives you the look as he sees what you are wearing. "Hey," you tell him, " you're not my mom and I'm not a baby. I can wear what I want." You were wearing cut-off shorts and a crop top tank top. Yeah, you knew he wouldn't like it, that's why you wore it. While putting your hair in a bun and sliding on your boots Steve practically shoved you out the door while grabbing the book you were looking for the whole time. "Oh yeah thanks" you said, grabbing the book from him and jumping in the passenger seat of his car. When you get to the Curtis house, Gracie runs out yelling "Hey, JJ and Steve's here!" You peek in the door and toss the book to Pony before
Gracie pulls you out the door and you guys take off towards town.

Hey all it's me just wanna let u all know that there will be more to this story tell me if y'all like it add comments and all that good stuff. Updates will be coming soon enjoy.

Stay gold

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