"22, 23, 24, 25.. Okay 25." I said to myself. That's enough to buy groceries.

I walked out of the flat and locked the door. As I exited the building and went to my car, I remembered that I barely had any gas and I wouldn't make it to the grocery and back. But I didn't have enough money to get groceries and gas.

I looked up at the sky and it looked a little cloudy. The weatherman said it wouldn't rain today, so I decided to still go get some food. The store was only a few blocks away.

As I was walking down the sidewalk, I noticed there was only a couple of people scattered here and there. And there was only the occasional car passing.

I walked down the empty sidewalk for 10 minuets until I got to the grocery. I bought bread and lunch meat, milk, different types of cereal, plain, barbecue, and sour cream and onion potato chips, eggs, bacon, and different cans of soup. I went to the cashier and started putting the things on the counter.

As the lady was checking out my items, I remembered last month we had ran out of feminine products.

"I'm so sorry, can you hold my stuff for just a second?!" I yelled at her. She looked scared, but she nodded. I ran to the aisle with the lady items and searched the aisle. I grabbed tampons, pads, and I saw a waxing kit and grabbed that too since it was April and I'm gonna need it. I ran back to the check out lane and the lady made an face of understanding.

She checked out the rest of the items and gave me two bags with my things in it. I walked out of the store and onto the even more empty sidewalk.

I looked up into the sky and it looked even more cloudy and the clouds were a bit dark. I shrugged it off and walked down the sidewalk. After about 3 minuets of walking, I saw Starbucks and went in and ordered and sat down.

I scrolled through twitter and saw a tweet from Dan. It said, The sidewalks are quite empty today. Is it the apocalypse?

Maybe, he was looking out of his window and its empty there, too. I laughed quietly and the lady who took my order called my name. I went up to the counter and got my coffee and walked out of the shop.

I looked up at the sky again, scared the weatherman was wrong and the sky was dark and cloudy. I have to walk home though.

Fuck you, Earth.

I took a sip of my coffee and started walking again. After 2 minuets of walking on the still empty sidewalk, it started to fucking rain. Hard. It was raining really hard on the day I don't have gas. My bad luck just keeps coming.

"Are you shitting me?!" I yelled at the sky with my hands up. I kept walking and the rain got so hard, I had a hard time seeing. There was no shelter so I could dry off. Unless I got under the bench. But who does that.

A person with a black hoodie and skinny jeans on, like the ones guys wear, walked quickly past me, like a run-walk. I saw a tree and thought I could stop there. As I was walking, I was looking at the person walking a little bit ahead of me. As I was focused on them, I wasn't very focused on my walking. I tripped over a tree branch, or a leg of a bench.

"Holy shit!" I yelled as I fell. I dropped my Starbucks and the lid came undone and the coffee went everywhere. My grocery bag ripped, sending my items everywhere and my phone landed on the concrete right next to me. I sat up on my knees, my chest felt tight, my head hurt, and it was hard to see. I cursed loudly to the sky again and just sat on the ground in the rain.

I heard footsteps coming closer. I looked up and saw the person wearing the black hoodie and guy jeans walking over to me. The person knelt down next to me and I couldn't really see their face, but I knew it was a guy.

"Are you okay?!" He asked with so much worry in his voice. I just looked at the hooded man and broke down into tears.

"No! I'm no where near okay!" I yelled while tears came down my face, "M-my dad died of cancer a week and a half ago, m-my mum is an alcoholic again, and my best-" I yelled out while crying, "my bestfriend is in Australia and I'm here alone! I barely have any money, no gas and I think I just cracked my phone! And out of all this, no one ever asked me if I was okay!" I cried out at this stranger. Oh my god, this poor stranger.

I'm crying in front of this stranger. But I just kept on crying. Through my hair I saw him take off his hood and I looked up. The face, I knew the face. I stared at his features and he stared at mine. I know him. Oh my god.

"D-Dan.. Howell..?" I said in disbelief and complete and utter shock.

He chuckled, "Yeah," he said rubbing the back of his neck, and he looked up at me, "I wish I knew your name so I could say it and it be like a movie." He said laughing a little. I just stared.

Oh my god, it's Dan Howell.



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