🌹Tenth Chapter 🌹

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I haven't been updating i know im sorry ><
You sat inside a pink van as Jimin opened the door for you. You mouthed a thankyou before getting in and taking a seat near the window.

"But hyung! I want to sit beside (y/n)!" Taehyung whined.
"Be a good boy and sit with your dongsaeng" Namjoon said as he made his way to the seat beside the driver's.
"But hyunggggggggg~" Tae pouted.
Namjoon didn't trust any of his dongsaengs and told Hoseok to sit beside you. You enjoyed his presence but looked behind to meet jungkook's eyes once in a while. You both just blushed and averted your eyes whenever they met. All the boys and you went to an amusement park.

"(Y/n)," Hoseok beside you said it in a serious tone. "Promise me something."
"What might that be? "You said with a sweet smile on your face.
He came close to you whispered something in your ears. Your eyes grew wide and you let out an airy laugh while nodded your head saying "yes" to the boy.

(Jungkook's pov)

I tried to get close to (y/n) and Hoseok hyung to hear them but they were too quiet to be heard. Rather the van was quite noisy.
Irritated ,I slapped Jimin hyung's thigh who was screaming right in my ear.
After we reached the amusment park i tried to get close to (y/n).

≥Hey (y/n)?

Yeassss jungkoookiiieeee?≤

≥Do you want to..um...like...ride the...

Hoseok waittttt~≤

Hoseok hyung had snatched (y/n) and ran away screaming loudly as he could. I saw (y/n) laugh with him while he tried to keep up with his pace.

≥...ferris wheel...with me....

My words slurred.

"Kookie! Let's goooooo have funnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~" Jimin hyung screamed.

"Remember kids, do not let your mask and your sunglasses come off" Jin reminded and wandered off himself with his Namjoon

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"Remember kids, do not let your mask and your sunglasses come off" Jin reminded and wandered off himself with his Namjoon.


After a couple of rides Jungkook went to a shop to buy drinks for his hyungs. On his way he saw Hoseok irritating Jimin and he laughed at their stupidity.

 On his way he saw Hoseok irritating Jimin and he laughed at their stupidity

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Where is (y/n)?

He ran the other way and tried searching for you. His eyes wandered everywhere to find you.

After a solid hour when he sat on a bench thinking about where on earth did you disappear to he heard a muffled scream.

He turned around and saw a lot of trees. He walked quielty between them.
He saw you lying on the floor with you arms and legs tied.
He quickly went to untie you.

≥who did this to you (y/n)?

She remained silent.

≥who the f---- did this to you!?

Just then his phone rang. He picked up the call.

"Kookie no time just meet us near the back gate. Dont let anyone notice you ...or (y/n)...and stop swearing.. you're a kid ._."

Jungkook picked you up and ran towards the back gate. Ugh what the hell is happening

As he was running,you noticed a few shrieking and clicking pcitures. Some started running behind you guys.

Just what the hell is happening.

Once the van was in view, the door opened and you both jumped in and Jin drove the car as fast as possible.

You saw girls running in inhumane speed just to catch up with the car. Fortunately,the car was faster.


The van was filled with silence.

"I need an explanation" you looked at the boys.

Their eyes met the ground.



What has this story turned into.I'm running out of ideas. Halp.
( ;∀;)

Officer (Jeon Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant