🌹Fifteenth Chapter🌹

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A letter taped on the tape.

Dear  Bangtan,

If  you're  reading this,

I'm probably gone.

I know it is hard to accept but it is the truth.

Play this tape and you will know the truth.

The tape was loading on the player. A voice spoke. A sad voice.

They lied to me. Today I was with Bangtan. We went to an amusement park. It was fun until that weird saesang fan came and kidnapped me and threw me behind the bush. I speak soft. You guys are sleeping. I still wonder why did you guys not tell me the truth.. words slurred.

I could have told you my truth too? Well its kinda in the past now. To be honest the truth is..that I..

Horses were held.

I came from the future. I know you must be thinking it's absurd  but it is the truth. The apartment I lived in, my parents, my school enrolment, it was all fake to make you believe that I existed. It's not like i do not exist. After ten years i lost all of you. All of you. All news spoke of "bts" and their managers' plane crash. I was 22. I was waiting for you and everyone to return back to korea. I had was wearing our engagement ring, Jungkook. I  was devastated. I icouldn't breathe. I wanted to see you off last time.. but.. i couldn't. That's when my mind hit. We have a secret teleportation system in our country. I somehow managed to get to the machine. Not illegally, though. They told me to go back to a period where you did not know me. 10 years I decided. When I first arrived in here I was scared because I didn't know anyone. I incarnated as my younger self. I remember returning from the school and sitting in the coffee shop. I was thinking of searching for you. But how was the question. You like an idiot walked right into the damn shop, still looking the same. It was as if you took all my words away. That's where we started to grow close. I was so so so thankful. But who would've known I would get to know the entire bangtan? The directors of the project of the time machine told me that I could affect one's life but not too many. And I made an impact on 8 people's life. Let's not forget the Halmonim okay? I was not supposed to do it. They warned me. I was just supposed to look at you and observe you before going back. But then i fucked up didn't I. *Chuckles* I thought they would let this slip but then i had a seizure. When i was brought back to my own world they said that they could not send me back because of all the disruption in the events. I begged  them and that's how I stayed here. Obviously, with a condition. I had limited days until I got back. Every day was precious to me. Every night was precious to me. Every single hour was precious to me. Every single minute and every single second. It was precious to me. It was all precious because it had you, Jungkook. It had you and everyone. Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon , Taehyung, SeokJin, Jimin. All of you. I had to go back. I'm sorry I didn't tell any of you about this. I couldn't see you guys hurt. I just wanted to disappear. Gently like a soft butterfly. But my wings burned when i returned back. I had to pay a price. I meddled with the past and now I had to pay the price. "Death and oblivion". That was my punishment. Death and oblivion. You might want to write my name down and stick it on the music box which I gave to Bang-Pd nim. He's very kind. *Chuckles* Tell him I'll miss him. In future; you wont see me. You wont meet me. I will disappear. I will vanish for all your memories. If you could Jungkook, don't board the plane after 10 years. You'll die. I NEED U to stay alive. Please. That's why I came here. This tape which you hear. It will destroy it self too. My everything. It will disappear. Oh, this tape runs out. Before this tape ends I  want to tell you that I--.

A click. The tape stopped. Papers on hand. Pens on hand. Tears in his eyes. What did you want to say?! Tears falling down nonchalantly. What did you want to say.

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