Chapter 2- Revenge

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Hey Guys!

I have thought of something cool!

You all know how youtubers have "Like Goals"?

Well, I'm making something simmilar to that!

I'm making the "Vote goal"!

Whenever we reach a certain amounts of votes on this book, I'll release a new chapter!

Sounds Good? Then enjoy this chapter!


Today's Vote goal: 3


Preston held his diamond sword tighter in his hand.

"You killed Kenny, now I'll kill you" Preston growled, his skin glowing brighter.

"If you can," Choco smirked, throwing several potions at Preston.

It was Blindness, Slowness and Poison.

Preston's vision went black and he felt tired, as if he haven't slept for days.

"Catch me if you can," Choco said, grinning. And he ran off.

"Well, I'm not dumb," Preston whispered to himself, smirking.

He drank a bucket of milk and instantly felt better.

He turned and saw Choco running away in the other direction, and he easily spotted him.

Preston took out his bow and loaded a Slowness-tipped arrow, aimed and fired.

Got him.

Choco instantly started to slow down, Preston easily chased up to him.

"Why?" Preston asked "Out of everyone, why Kenny?"

"So? You're gonna cry about it?" Choco replied, trying to escape.

"No," Preston said, looking at him "You're going to suffer for it."

Preston took out Kenny's diamond axe and brought it down hard on Choco.

Choco flinced, and drank a Potion of Fire Resistance and a Potion of Regeneration II.

"You can't out drink me." Preston said "You're dead."

Preston brought the axe down hard on Choco again, and Choco immedietaly died.

Revenge is sweet Preston thought as he picked up all of Choco's potions.

But he still feel empty inside.


Well, This is a Short Chapter.

Yea, It is indeed.

But I promise the next one will be longer.

Peace out guys!

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