Chapter 5- KENNY?!

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Sadly, we still haven't hit the vote goal :(

But I'm INSANELY happy that we hit 1000 reads on 4-Ever.

Thanks Guys, And hope you enjoy this chapter!


BTW, a shout-out to HopeRoseDawnFire for being able to guess what happens.

And thanks EdgarWong73 for spoiling the entire story -.-

Welp, enjoy this chapter.


Preston awoken to another nightmare.

Well guess who it was about?

There was a click, than an explosion.

Kenny was flung backwards, motionless.

He still couldn't get over it. Kenny was dead.

He wasn't coming back.


Preston got up and pulled himself together, then went downstairs for his breakfast.

The house changed so much.

All the torches have been replaced with sea lanterns, and The room was very well lit and beautiful.

Heck, there was even a chandelier on the ceiling made from fence post and glow-stone.

"Wow Mitch, this place looks beautiful," Preston said, patting Mitch on the shoulder.

"Thanks," Mitch said tiredly. He probably stayed up all night to do this.

"Well, we got like 20 Notch apples." Rob said after breakfast, tossing Preston 5, and the rest of them 5 too.

Preston grabbed them and tossed them into his backpack. "Anything else?"

"Nope," Rob said, turning back to his brewing stand and shoving some glistening melon into the potions.

"Then GET BACK TO WORK!" Preston said, turning to the schedule.

Fishing, again.

"Dang it, Mob hunting." Mitch said, turning sleepily to the schedule. Then he grabbed his iron sword and turned to the door.

Preston felt a pang of guilt in his chest. That Canadian had worked so hard to decorate the house. And now he's risking his life to get them some Mob loot.

Before he knew what happened, Preston turned and said to Mitch: "I'll do it."

Mitch turned to Preston, a small glint of hope in his eyes (What am I even writing) "Really?"

"Yeah," Preston said, tossing Mitch Kenny's fishing rod.


"Thanks," Mitch said, catching the fishing rod.


Preston turned and headed towards a nearby forest.

Before Preston even knew what happened, someone jumped on Preston and tackled him to the floor.

Preston instinctively whipped out his sword and sliced it through the air.

But it was too late.

The person jumped backwards, and Preston saw him fully.

The person was wearing a zombie head and wearing an enchanted diamond chestplate. He was wearing a pair of iron leggings and blood-stained leather boots.

He was holding an enchanted diamond axe.

The axe instantly reminded Preston of him again.


Preston dodged just in time as the axe was swung down hard at him.

Before Preston could even regain his footing, the axe came down hard on him.

Preston was burning, literally.

Preston grabbed a golden apple and ate it quickly, then jumped back into battle.

Before Preston could land a hit, the axe came down hard on him again.

Preston held out his hand in shock.

"Stop," Preston said, "I forfeit."

Preston shut his eyes as he awaited his opponent to deliver the fatal blow...

"Well," Preston enemy said, in a soft voice "I thought that you would have improved in your Pvp skills, seems like I'm wrong."

The voice was too familiar.

"KENNY?!" Preston exclaimed.

The person removed the zombie head, and grinned at him.

Short blond hair, Ocean blue eyes, and a constant smile on his face.


"OMG, YOU'RE STILL ALIVE!!!!" Preston exclaimed, hugging Kenny.

"No, I DIED. THEN I respawned."  Kenny said, grinning.

"OMG, WAIT TILL I TELL THE REST OF THE PACK." Preston said, grabbing Kenny's hand, "Come on!"

"OK, OK" Kenny said, laughing "Let's go,"



Minecraft logic.

You respawn.


Well, except for HopeRoseDawnFire

and maybe EdgarWong73


I have decided to go back to short chapters because of this quote:

"Quantity, but no quality, Ming"

Nkx149 said that so...

I guess I'll be going back to short chapters, because my 3 hours of effort is unappreciated.

So don't blame me, blame Nkx149

Look, there's even a link to his profile :P

Ok, enough of my ramblings.

Bye guys :D

5-Ever (A TBNRfrags Fan-Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora