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I look up at the sky, grey clouds cover the view above as the rain falls

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I look up at the sky, grey clouds cover the view above as the rain falls.

Despite the rain, the world around glows with the autumn colours, in the street lights.

Raindrops fall from the  winter clouds that block out the last of the sunset, within the time it takes me to reach Luna.

I spot her sitting on the bench with the coat hoodie pulled up, but other than that she has no source of protection from the rain.



"C'mon let's go inside somewhere."


She gets up quickly, giving me a smile as we walk to the dessert shop.

We walk all the way in a comfortable silence, just listening to the drops of rain that fall.

As we walk in, we sit inside at our normal booth as the last few times, the warmth immediately hugging me.

"What would you like?"

I await Luna's answer but I get no response.

I'm about to ask her again, but I see she is lost - staring.

I follow her gaze to a table with four guys, probably a little older than me sitting, chatting rather loudly.

I look towards Luna again to see her eyes holding back tears.


Still nothing.

"Hey, what happened?"

Still I get no response.

I wait a minute before she speaks up.

"I'm sorry. I - I'll, see you tomorrow. I really need to go - I" she stammers.

She suddenly gets up, walking out into the night.

Her silhouette slowly vanishes, before camouflageing with the night sky, before it's gone completely.

I sit there confused.

I look once more at the table behind me, the four guys still there. Was it one of them?

The rain outside continues to fall, unaware that it's created the perfect reflection for Luna's mood.

I sit there for a while, staring as the droplets of rain patter, gently against the window.

Silhouettes~[Complete]✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang