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I enter the cemetery, skirting around a pile of brown frosted leaves.

Ahead the path glistens covered with ice crystals on the concrete ground.

I feel numb and it isn't just the cold this time.

I grip the white and pink roses in my hand a little tighter - my heart beat echoing around me.

I glance around, the world empty and quiet. Only snow falls, gently making its way down.

I take a deep breath before walking further on. 

Thin frozen puddles crack under me, hundreds of sharp, shards of ice forming. More frozen puddles are around the area, remainders of the rain that had fallen.

I glance ahead, my mouth going dry. In front of me is Luna's grave.

Rows of tombstones stand in silence to the left and right, like a sea of the dead.

Some crumbled with the weathering of centuries, some smooth marble but right now all I think about is Luna.

I gulp, walking forward until I'm right in front.

I know I'll be here a while so I sit down on a somewhat dry area.

I place the flowers down, white to represent her innocence - pink our friendship, as I had read about flower colours before.

I want to say so much, but I can't. I feel like my words have left me.

I reach into my pocket pulling out the envelope, taking out the paper.

I look up, the grey evening sky sending down flakes of snow before glancing back down at the paper which blows.

I read over it again, in silence not realising a tear slowly makes it way down my cheek dropping onto the paper.

"Damn it Luna, why," I clench my fists.

"How many times to I have to go through this?"

I glance at the graves around me, remembering my best friend; Ethan. He had left me too, a few years back.

"I wish you were still here Luna, I really do. I promsie I will get justice for you, I will find who raped you and I will put them in jail."

I clench my teeth, attempting to prevent myself from crying.

"But thank you Luna, for everything, for the late night conversations and walks," I whisper.

"After your death, I've decided - I want to open up a place or something. To help people. Somewhere for people like you, for people like Ethan. Too many people suffer and I want to help them. I want people to feel like they have something to live for."

"I'm sorry it was too late for you. I'm so damn sorry Luna."

Snow is starting to cover the ground in a white blanket, as night approaches.

"I'll come again soon - I promise," I state getting up brushing my jeans.

I walk all the way out - not looking back once, until I'm out the gates.

Then I look back, through teary eyes I watch the sun fall behind the horizon, painting the sky shades of red and

Time seems to have flown by and soon enough the world will be painted black.

I stand watching the sky for a few minutes and look at Luna's grave once more.

"I'll see you soon Luna," I whisper into the silence.


Did anyone realise the banner colour change in chapter 18?🙈

Omg! I finished my first ever story!

I hope you all enjoyed it a lot! :-D

Thank you so damn much if you've read the entire thing. I honestly can't thank you enough. Thank you very much for every single vote and comment. :-)

Ahead I have a Author's note and a thank you page.😏 Do check it out, there's some stunning stuff. ❤

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