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The leaves have almost all fallen off, creating a sea of fiery colors that crunch beneath my feet once more in the dim light in the street.

The bare skeletons of the trees shiver in the crisp, autumn breeze as I make my way home.

Following my original and everyday path I turn the slight bend my heart dropping.

There sitting on the bench is the girl I had seen two days ago. I can tell from the way she is sat, her eyes staring, lost in thought.

I can't help but smile as I walk towards her, the feelings of being left alone dispersing into the air.

I let out a small cough, pulling her away from her thoughts as her head turns my way.

"You're here" I say pointing out the obvious.

She tilts her head sideways, examining me. She can see me, whislt I can't and like before I can only make out her silhouette.

I suddenly feel nervous and lick my lips which seem to suddenly go dry.

I look fine right? I ask myself mentally.

My brown hair is hidden under my hoodie. The black jeans im wearing, matched with the hoodie which is also black. A white t-shirt hidden underneath. I'm what a normal seventeen year old boy would look like right?

I can feel my heart-beat drumming, as I wait in anticipation for her response.

"Yes, I'm here" she replies.

I just nod, unsure of what to say.

The need to know why she never came yesterday seems to tug at me.

"Why weren't you here yesterday?" I suddenly question.

"I had things to do."

She doesn't expand and so I leave it at that realising that we still barely know each other.

I shift awkwardly from one foot to another.

"How old are you?" I blurt out suddenly.

"How about you tell me first" she shoots back.


I see her nod.


Only a year younger than me I think.

"I gotta go" she states her voice much quieter than before.

"Tomorrow?" I ask.

Turning around she nods before walking away once more, leaving me standing as the breeze seems to pick up and her silhouette fades away.

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