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As I head over to find out what was wrong with Luna yesterday, I can't help but notice that the ice cold wind which blows to signal the arrival of winter and the rain create a picturesque scene with the Autumn colours present.

I've also just realised that no one seems to walk the same path, through the wooded area at this time.

The minute hand awaits the second hand to head to the next hour, eleven.

I see Luna sitting on the bench and I walk over.



"What happened yesterday?"

"Just someone...", she gulps.

"One of the guys from the table?"

She nods and I see her bite her trembling lip.


She glances up at me for a millisecond before a tear slips down her cheek and she attempts to hide it.

I edge closer to her and put my hand on top of hers which is ice cold.

"Rafael - I can't deal with this anymore."

"You can," I whisper gently.

"No you don't understand," she shakes her head.

"Then help me understand."

She blinks a few times and tears, trickle down.

"I - he - raped me."

My world seems to come crashing down and I don't know what to say or how to react.

"You know - I can't stop thinking about it sometimes," she states.

"I feel like I've lost a part of myself," she cries.

"Luna - I'm so sorry."

"You know I'm going to leave this world soon - very soon. I'm fed up of it and don't want to be part of it anymore."

"Don't say that."

"It's the truth though Rafael."

My heart shatters into a million peices and I wonder if I'll ever be able to put it back together.

"I have to go now - i'll see you tomorrow though."

I nod as she walks off into the darkness and close my eyes trying to block out everything.

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