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The leaves on the trees along the path glowed yellow and bronze in the streetlight. The branches so bare that I can count the leaves on each and every one as I pass by.

The time is only just ticking its way towards ten. I'm earlier than usual, by about forty-five minutes.

I glance up. The sky is starless tonight, the moon hidden behind clouds, making the surrounding area cloaked in darkness.

I turn the bend, what I see makes me wish it is all a nightmare.

There on the bench is Luna, but what makes my heart clench is when I see what she's holding and doing...

The small shard of glass gleams in the little amount of light available. Her left sleeve pulled up to her elbow.

She's cutting. She's been cutting. She's been hurting herself.

Just as Luna proceeds to make a cut along her bare arm once more, I shout.

"Don't...!", my voice cuts across the empty space.

She suddenly freezes, caught like a deer, stuck in the headlights.

I fast walk over to her before sitting down taking the piece of glass from her fingertips.

She doesn't protest or stop me, her hand just stays open in the same position as if she was holding the glass.

Making her hand into a fist she closes her eyes for a few seconds.

That's when I notice it. Blood.

The red liquid streams down her arm like a river. The flow not stopping,  just making an escape in all directions.

"Why?", I ask fumbling in my pockets to find a tissue - anything to stop the blood.

I glance at her arm, the blood sliding down her arm and soaking the cloth material of her shirt, dripping making small pools of red, but even though pain fluctuated on her face, the defiant stance and angry crease through her forehead indicated that she was having a bad day.

"Damn it", I  state unable to find a tissue.

Without thinking again, I slip off the scarf across my neck tearing it in two - wrapping it around the wounds.

She winces and I mutter a small apology before tieing a knot securing it in place.

"Why Luna."

She looks at me, before her eyes brim with tears.

Unable to say another word she suddenly wraps her arms around me, sobbing into my chest unceasingly, hands clutched onto my jacket.

I hold her in silence, rocking her slowly as her tears soak my chest.

This time she doesn't go.

She stays head buried, brick by brick, her walls come tumbling down leaving a fragile, broken girl.

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