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Left me in the dirt

I tried to keep up
But no matter how fast I was
You were always faster
You were always three feet ahead
Always just out of reach
My feet pounding the ground
But nothing ever worked
No matter how hard I tried
You never listen
No matter how loud I shouted
For you to slow down
You never heard my voice
No matter what I did
You never turned around
I chased after
Sometimes you'd slow
To say hello
To someone else
Just when I thought I had you
You took off again
I had no time to catch my breath
We were running in a dark tunnel
You were the only light visible
I had to keep up so I wouldn't fall
The ground became slick
It was dangerous
You'd slowed down slightly
But I had to do the same
Then I slipped
I tripped and fell
I fell hard
I skinned my knees
My palms were raw
My eyes were stinging
I could see your blurry light
But not before
Your sad eyes
Filled my sight
Helped me up
And said goodbye
I was left
To stand in shock
As the one thing holding me here
Dropped from my grasp
And I plummeted
Like a rock



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