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I want to be held

You were my muse
All you did was exist
It was beautiful
You were beautiful
You were a wonderful muse
You gave me many things to write
You gave me many things to think
And you didn't even know
You were the perfect muse
You have skin that can be described
With many different things
You have eyes that hold the universe
You were an alluring muse
I wanted to be with you
If only for a short time
Everything went blurry when you laughed
You were a bewitching muse
Stealing my attention
Stringing the words through my mind
And all you had to do was smile
You were a magnificent muse
You could make poems form in my mind
No one else could do that
And you didn't even have to try
You were my best muse
The others fizzled out
I could write about you all day
Words just come and go
But you my muse
Make the words on the paper dance
Dance to a tune no one could hear
I want to hear you tune
So please muse
And give me a chance.



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