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Free flowing

I can't hold them back
They just come out when they please
If I try to hold them in
They just burst out more than before
I'm like a volcano
The more you try to cap it
The harder the force when it explodes
Only taking a little poke to set it off
And it all go flying out
Like vomit
Composed of words and feelings
Emotions welling up and spilling out of my eyes
Like they're volcanic openings
The hot lava pours over my cheeks
Digging trenches of scorched skin on my face
When you wipe away the salty magma
You are left with your face branded
Eyes red
Scorched cheeks
Trenches of tears
Wet sleeves
Nose running
Not wanting to be asked to explain why you're hurt
As it would start the process over
And soon you'd erupt again.


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