Wet Anger

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Volcanic eyes

If you have it
No one takes you seriously
If you're angry
They all think you are weak
Trying to explain yourself
And the tears pour down your face
Your blood is boiling
You are crying
They laugh and tease you
They always ask 'why are you crying'
Or say 'no need to cry'
But I'm upset
I'm hurt
I'm angry

If you have it
You'll know it
That lump in your throat
The burning behind your eyes
The tingle in your nose
Trying to make your point
Your voice breaks
They think they've won
Now you're even madder
Your words become harder to say
The lump grows
The fire turns to water
Your faces screws up
They tease and point
I am not weak
You don't understand
No one takes you seriously
When you have wet anger
Dealt into your hand.


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