Chapter 15: Confusion.

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The Next Day.

Harry was picking me up any minute.

I will stay calm and let him talk.

I hear a knock.

"Bye Dad." I shout.

Harry opens the door for me and I get in.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good." I respond.

For the next 30 minutes we had small conversations.

We get there and Harry parks.

"Here." He leads me under the bridge And lays down a blanket. The beach is beautiful am no one is here.

I have no idea how this conversation is going to go.

"So explain." I get straight to the point.

"I did kill someone. I shot a bullet right In their head. It was so cool." Harry laughs. " you had to be there. It was so cool. Then the police were about to come so I ran and he person I killed, that was Colton's brother. Was he mad? Yeah so ever since then he has been out to get me. Good I'm a boxer. Or I would be dead." He laughs again. Is this a joke to him?

Everything starts to get blurry. Whats going on?

I open my eyes and see I am in a hospital bed. What?

"Youre awake." Harry smiles.

"What happened?" I shake.

"You just came out of surgery." he weakly smiles.

"Where's my dad?" I ask but it comes out I'm a whimper. It was all a dream. It seemed so real.

"Hey." Harry whispers."what's wrong."

"Nothing, just a crazy dream." I whimper. I didn't notice I was crying until Harry put his thumb on my cheek to brush away a falling tear.

"You can leave in an hour." Harry explains. " Could we go somewhere private, so I could explain."

"where?" I ask.

I hope the truth isn't like my dream.

"The beach?" My breath hitches.

"Sure." I agree. Please let the dream be fake and not become reality.


I got out of the hospital and Harry decided to take me to the beech. I'm so scared.

He leads us to a private place and we sit.

So far the dream is true. Please let the nightmare be fake.

"Okay, explain." I get to the point. I'm so scared on what to expect.

"Okay, first I didn't kill anyone, I couldn't tell you because." He takes a deep breath. " When I was young I was part of a gang. This guy killed someone who was Colton's brother. I couldn't let him take the blame because he wouldn't be able to stand up for himself. We were in a gang so no one told the police or we would all be arrested. Well I took the blame because, well I can box and stand up for myself and wouldn't get that hurt. Now Colton wants me dead. And I can't take back 'killing him' now." Harry explains.

I don't know what to say so I stay silent.

"Well, say something." He urges.

"I'm just shocked." I try to talk but it comes out In a whisper.

"Well that's the truth. I couldn't tell you because if Colton saw me explaining. My friend would be dead."

"That explains in the market."

"What? What happened in the market?" He urges and gets nervous.

"Colton grabbed my arm and tried to take me and I said I hated you and he said he got the wrong girl." I explain.

"You hate me?" He whispers.

"No, oh what a relief." I sigh laying down and putting my head on the sand below us.

"What's a relief?" He asks.

"In my dream, you were explaining how you killed a guy and shot him in the head." I explain. "Oh my gosh what a Relief." I sigh again.

"I would never kill anyone. Just remember, you cant tell anyone." He assures

"Okay." I nod sitting up again.

"Well look who it is." A voice says behind us. Colton.

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