Chapter 16

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Jason's POV

It couldn't be. How could she be here?! But joy overwhelmed me and I ran towards her. She gasped, "Jason!" She cried but then she suddenly backed away. I looked at her confused.

"Pipes, what's wrong?" I asked. I see tears in her eyes as she sobs out, 

"I don't want to hurt any of you." My heart lurched as her eyes connected with mine. I reach for her hand but she takes it away. "Please, just leave. Just leave me alone." She sayid softly. 

"You broke my heart Piper, please, don't do it again, I can help you!" I said but she just shook her head and whispered,

"I just can't." She walked towards me and took my face in her hands and touches her forehead against mine. And for a second, just a second, everybody disappears. It's only Piper and me here. We took deep breaths for a few seconds before she pulled away.

"I'm sorry, please, I need to figure myself out. I forgive you, and you know I love you, and I'll never stop but, please... I'll come to you when I'm ready." She whispered. Then she caught me by surprise by pressing her lips against mine, holding there for a few seconds. I suddenly feel the urge to kiss her more so, I wrapped my arms around her waist and kiss her back. We kiss like this for a few more seconds before she pulls away. 

"I love you, please don't leave me again" I begged, but she shook her head once more. 

"I need to fix what I started. I love you, Jason Grace, don't forget that." And with that, she kissed me once more before she took out her dagger and sprinted out across the street before I get the chance to say,

"I love you too."

I felt a hand press on my right shoulder. Leo. "You did the right thing man, letting her go." He said sadly. 

"I just hope she knows what she's doing" I replied.

Piper's POV

Yes. Jason. I know what I'm doing. Just trust me.

YEEESSS! Another chapter finished! Yay! I again apologize for the delay of updating and these ridiculously short chapters but HEY! It's something! Tell me what you thought of this chapter in the comments and I'll see you next time! Love ya!

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