Chapter 8

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Time for a switch-a-roo! Jason's point of view! You guys might have been dying for his perspctive... well, here it is! I'll also get Annabeth's POV too! Make sure to mention this story to your friends! Also, go check out my new story Hidden!-Sophia

Jason's POV

"You still love her don't you?" Hazel asked as we walked back to our hotel. 

"Whaaat?! No! I'm totally over her!" I lied. Ugh. Hazel was too good at reading people. I sighed, "Yeah, I geuss I do still love her... what about Drew Hazel? She gonna kill me when I breakup with her!" I exclaimed. 

"Drew will understand, she's changed! Remember?" She said. I sighed and punched Drew's number into my phone and waited for her to answer. 

"Hey Jase! How's life? I miss you sooo much!" Drew said as she picked up on the first ring. 

"Hey Drew, um, it's really hard to explain but I'm just gonna say it... I saw Piper." Drew went silent for a good minute which made me really uncomfortable. 

"I get still have feelings for her, whatever, no biggie!" And then she hung up, I sensed the hurt in her voice but I ignored it. 

I turned to Hazel and grinned, "Let's go get our Piper back!" And we ran to get the others.

Piper's POV

I sat up groggily and groaned when I remembered where I was. I looked around, I was in some kind of cave I got up and pain crawled up my ankle. Everything came rushing down, Enceladus dropped me, I landed on my feet in my heels. Great. Just great. I was still wearing my movie premiere dress. How was I supposed to escape in a dress? Oh well, I'll have to try. I limped towards a light that came from my right side and saw sunlight. Maybe escpaing wasn't as hard as I thought until I tried walking out of the cave when I hit an invisible barrier. Oh no Enceladus trapped me in here. I was running out of air fast, I tried getting through the barrier with Katropis but it was no use. I cried for help even though I knew no one would come. I banged on the barrier as hard as I could but nothing worked. As the last of the air ran out of my lungs, I fell into a pool of darkness.

Annabeth's POV

I got my new high-tech demigod GPS for my 18th birthday and we used it to find Piper. We know she's hidden at Mount Diablo where Leo, Jason, and Piper freed Piper's dad. "We HAVE to find her!" Jason muttered under his breath. 

"Dude, we will! Enceldaus should watch out who he captured, Piper's a handful to contain. Enceldaus should've taken one of us instead of her!" Nico said as we climbed halfway up Mount Diablo. 

I saw a torch at the top into a cave and pointed there, "Guys, I think that's where she is!" I exclaimed. That literally made Jason's day. He sprinted up the hill but stopped once he got there and started to shake. 

"Man whats wro-" Percy asked but was cut off when he saw Piper's still body on the floor of the cave. 

"NO! SHE IS NOT DEAD!" Jason yelled and charged forward only to get smacked in the face by an invisible barrier.

 Tears started forming in Hazel's eyes, "Guys! Piper's not breathing!" Once Hazel said that Jason fainted and all the blood drained from my face. Piper was dead.



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