Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is the first chapter! As always, plz vote, comment and follow me!

- Sophia:)

edit (2018): oh my god, im such a cringey eleven year old lmfao 


Piper's POV

"Piper! You need to be with Ellen in two minutes hurry up!" Yelled my manager Hailey. 

"Coming! Just finishing my mascara!" I called to her. BOOM! I was ready, I smoothed my flower pencil dress and walked on stage smiling and waving at my screaming fans. I hugged Ellen and sat down across from her. 

"So... the famous Piper McLean! Welcome! I'm sure everyone is wondering if you are interested in anyone?" Ellen asked, summoning a chorus of "OOO's." 

"Well, I did have some boyfriend trouble two years ago and ever since, well... I guess nobody really just had that connection with me" I answered. 

"Well we'll all be monitoring you and your relationships isn't that right audience?" Ellen asked and again, summoning a chorus of "OOO's."

 I laughed, "trust me, I won't be getting a boyfriend anytime soon!" I said. Actually, I had been sceretly dating Tyler Skeet the hot celebrity from the show Get Up. I smiled at the camera and the rest of the interview was just the normal gossip.

"Good job! You totally killed it! Ready for the photo shoot for The Toronto Life?" Asked Hailey as we got into the limo. 

"Thanks! And totally. I can't wait for the photo shoot!" I exclaimed as I looked at the window. The car stopped at the red light and a couple of teens caught my eye. They looked so familiar but I couldn't get my mind to place it. I rolled down the windows to get a closer look at them and suddenly it seemed like time stopped. Jason Grace and all of my other old Camp Half-Blood friends were having lunch at a cafe. No. He cannot be here. Suddenly I saw him look up and stare at me, I waved when he widened his eyes. He shook his friends to look in my direction and they all stood there staring at me. I started panicking and rolled my windows back up and the light turned green and we zoomed past Jason and my past. 

"Are you okay Piper?" Hailey asked in a worried voice, "You turned pale a second there." I shook my head. 

"I'm fine. Just had a little headache." I lied. I couldn't show how worried I was or... well let's not think of the worst.

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